By how much would a Salac increase your speed? A choice scarf does by 50%, and that's not enough to outspeed a Jolly Scarfed 252 Speeed 31 Speed Ivd Heracross, so are you sure a Salac berry would let your Tran outrun my Heracross?
Lol, maybe you should fix the positions xD
Edit: Yeah, that confused me when you said you would be able to outspeed my Hera. GG! It was really fun
Yeah, but even if my Ttar fainted, I had Heracross that could KO it with Close Combat (It was scarfed+Jolly nature, so it would outspeed yours, even if it was ScarfTran), then I would switch out of Heracross when you sent in Gengar, risk my Mence, and KO your Gengar with Night Slash, then KO your Drifblim with Night Slash.
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