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  • i can get all of those for you. I'll msg you as i get each to to arrange a trade if thats ok? or would you prefer for me to wait untill i've got all 4?
    im in the wifi room, my friend code is on my profiel.Ill give you at least one egg but probably more so you can pick and choose. Thanks so much for doing this. Im in the wi fi room
    I got a level 1 Japanese Togepi off the GTS if you want it. Sorry about the confusion earlier, I coulda sworn I had a Togetic.
    Okay, thanks for marking it too.
    If I can get you anything in the future, just let me know.
    Alright, thank you very much.
    My FC is 2278 3842 1791.
    I'll go ahead and meet you in the Wi-Fi Club.
    Hello there.
    Was wondering if you'd be willing to clone my VCG09 Milotic for me. I'd only need one clone, and of course you could make one for yourself as well.
    5. I can get on any time for the rest of the night. I can't get you a Togepi right now, though. Apparently I don't have one, but I'm going to catch one right now. If you want I can trade you a level 30 Togepi or you can wait til I can evolve it and then I'll breed you one.
    I'll be able to get online for the Wingull cloning and whatnot at about 8 eastern. Anytime after that will be good for me.
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