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  • My friend is ages with me now and does fine. She isn't nearly as bad as she was when she was younger.
    I thought my thread was different from the in game viability thread. Breloom is totally viable in game (for RSE) if you didn't mind going without spore. Breloom is caught rather early in petalburg woods.

    There are other factors in not using a Pokemon besides in game viability.
    Hi, hope you and your brother are doing OK. Was speaking to my friend earlier who has the same condition, reminded me of you.
    Like your avatar change.
    Hiya new user! Make sure to read the rules and you'll be on your way to a happy fun-filled forum experience!
    You attempt to try and urinate on one of the glass cubes, though, as hard as you try, you can't seem to be able to force yourself to successfully do so. Funny, as, now that you think of it, you actually can't remember ever having gone to the bathroom here before. ...Which kind of creeps you out actually. You also can't really remember doing much of anything. Sleeping, eating, or even growing up. You just remember the interaction with miscellaneous characters in that room; before you broke out of that trance anyway and started exploring.

    You clutch the rags hanging over your shoulder and gulp, not too sure what to do with yourself right now. Will you continue to interact with the cubes?? Will you continue on through the door?

    What will you do?
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