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  • For your sign up on the Pokemon thing I'd say at least two more sentences so we get more of a idea... Just trying to help...
    Can you do an opinion for Darkrai? I know you want to choose Hydreigon family, but I think that Darkrai is better for you, because I have someone else in mind for the job (Hydreigon and maybe family).
    Happy birthday. Well, late birthday, since your birthday will probably be over by the time you see this.
    Regarding your post in my blog entry:

    May I ask, what's the reason? Now, I support that idea, but that one will be harder to execute because I am not exactly sure in which areas would there be quotes. I also want to make others feel important by allowing them to have their say in the reviews, so once again, I would like to know how taking from different sources would be a good idea. (I encourage you to give a reason)

    Thanks for commenting on Rival's Story. I'd have replied to you in thread but I don't think I'm really allowed to any more. I wrote that a long time ago and I probably just made a mistake - it happens now and again. I hope that didn't affect your enjoyment of the story too much.

    Also, be sure to not post again in the thread - if you have additional things to say, you should edit your post and add them into the same post otherwise you might get infracted =)
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