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  • You're welcome, it was nothing. I'm happy I could help, have good day and if I don't talk to you before you leave, I hope you have a wonderful trip.
    Ok, when ever your ready I'm in the wifi room. edit: no, I'm here my clock is a bit slower than yours it seems.
    Sorry, I'm having a little trouble calculating the time difference. I think that would be 12:30am my time ok then lets go for 9am your time. how does that sound?
    ok if it doesn't work out what time do you leave your house in the morning? Are you going to Paris for vacation or is it some other reason?
    I should be back before 2 my time but that might be too late for you. I can see if one of my friends is around and will lend me their smart phone before you log off. Going to paris sounds nice.
    right now I'm at school that may be why it doesn't want to let us connect.
    I can wait a little longer today if you like. If not 9 PM your time which will be 11 AM my time would work for me.
    Sorry I didn't answer you earlier but as soon as I sat down to the computer I had to get back up and I have beeen busy all day long. I will be online until 1 AM my time so about 3 hours if you don't come back online in time send me a mesage telling me what are the usual times you get onto Bulbagarden so we can schedual a trade.
    I have it can you trade now? modest with telepthy. edit: looks like I might have missed you
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