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  • Lo and behold, after all this time, I've finally finished ev training speckle! He has evolved into espeon and has his full move set. Pm me when you are available to trade. Today il be available around 3:30 to 7:30 ish. Thank you for choosing RADIO's Warehouse.
    Geez about time :p. Anyway, yeah let's trade so I can get to bed. I just need your FC.
    We might be living in different time zones. When you VM me, I get it in the morning when I go to school. Luckily, I have a vacation in a few days so I might be able to catch you ^^
    Oh no, I would just spend thirty minutes running up and down, no wait... biking up and down the route collecting egg after egg until I realized that... I had waaaay too many. Then I'd hatch them. but I never took the parents out, maybe i didn't have enough poke, yen, or whatever that little sign means.
    I love looking at the color blue, so yes, i concur with your gba related statement.
    There has to be remake and there HAS to be contests!!!! Ribbons exist in BW, so it wouldn't be hard to implement it in the remakes. They could take the format of the contests that they had in DPPT and use the accesories from the Musicals and Voila! The game would become 20% cooler.

    Honestly though, Poke Musicals have got to be the most BORING thing to add in the game. EVER.

    I like my ribbons.
    I'm also ev training two of prof erins pokemon so I can have all three in a party along with one of my spotters (pkmn in case all the attendents faint) and the fun will be both, since there are some annoyances like when a stat absolutely refuses to go above 251 for some mysterious reason and I either have to soft rest or reclone the ut version of that pokemon and try again.
    As for the skarmories, I don't remember why, just that I had a box full of eggs that I always hatched because I never took the parents out.
    My gba is blue, same color as kyogre... I love blue.
    I can't wait for the remakes of sapphire and ruby, although people say there won't be which I don't think is fair.
    By die you mean completely dead dead right? I keep thinking that you lost the charger somewhere. My gameboy doesn't charge at all anymore. Sometimes ill hold it in my hands and imagine playing pokemon sapphire again without a care in the world about evs and ivs, just that my pokemon were underleveled and that I had a lot of skarmories.
    Well, ill get started on speckles training. Another attendent of radio's training camp! This weekend will be a fun one.
    I've hatched another anticipation timid eevee with the spread
    Hidden power; dragon
    This time the sp atk is higher than the atk. I didn't go for perfect because you're only allowed to request two perfect ivs until I learn to rng.
    Ds parameters and mac address are numbers at a certain time (target time) that you use to determine the seed with the pid. I think my target time will be 03:30:25, although it may be best to have target times in morning day and night.
    Oh and, I think its harder on a three ds because it takes eight seconds to load and has no clock so you need an outside clock synced to the three ds because your timing has to be perfect for rng.
    What time zone are you in again? Still in india? I've never tried rnging, but I've watched a couple vids and I figure once I get my ds parameters etc ill be set. I work during most of the weekends so during my next break I will get a chance to really crack down on it too.
    About espeon (speckle right?)
    I've been soft resetting for the right egg and its like the same before. I got a dw eevee with perfect hp, speed and sp. Atk but alas... the nature was gentle. I get to use him as parent though now. Sorry its been taking so long. Next time I'm going to learn how to rng.
    Thanks for the trade! I saw you were offering a Miltank; yeah, I'm missing that but I don't think we had plans for you to trade that to me too and I already clicked exit :F
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