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  • Wow, so sorry about your aunt. My goodness, I hope nobody in my family gets into drugs..o.o
    But yeah, that's how my Aunt acts. She doesn't want to admit she has a problem with her Princess syndrome, she wants to think she has NO problem at all and that it's her husband who has the problem. :p No matter what we'll do she'll always have that attitude...*sigh*
    Eh, thanks. It's mostly my aunt. She has this "I'm a Princess" syndrome and she's such a...um...you know, a girl dog. >.>
    They just need to call it off. My uncle deserves better then her, to be honest. I know it sounds rude, but trust me, if you were in my family you'd agree. :p
    But thanks though. :3
    Really? Sweet! Thick thigh friends FTW! xDD.
    But this week has not been good for me, so far. Ugh. Sunday and Saturday were just madness...My mother's little sister, Betsy, and her husband Dustin have just been getting into spit spats over and over again, and they get so heated into an argument that they start screaming at each other. It basically gets out of hand, and mother has to drive to their house...>.> So yeah, not a good week for me. Family drama. *sigh*
    But what about you, Loonacy? What's been going on in your world? ;D
    We do have some really cold winters, not going to lie. ;.; But I get through it since I'm chubby. ;D
    ...LOL, sorry for that awkward moment there...xD.
    I know, I do the same thing, but still. You guys have guts if you go out into that heat. xD.
    o.o How do you guys even LIVE down there with that much heat in the summer?! Man you guys are tough! I wouldn't be able to live in that heat, way. ;.;
    Whew, I thought you'd disagree with me. xD. But I totally agree. It's getting scary, to be honest. I'm especially scared for this summer...Who KNOWS how hot it could be? ;.;
    Yeah, the weather has been all messed up all over the world. I know people don't think it's true, but...I think it's global warming. =/
    Oh no, definitely not. For the past week we've been getting rain and such. Typical for MI. =/ But I'm sure it won't be long before some snow will come around. Our weather's weird like that. xD.
    Bwhaha. >83 xD
    BTW, you're on right now? Wow. It's almost 11:00 p.m. here for me in MI. Pretty late here. xD. Didn't think you'd be on.
    Lol, really? xD That's pretty funny! (No offense to you or anything, but it is. xD.) I'm sure when I was little I thought that, too. Discovery Channel probably changed my mind. o3o
    It is. ;.; Hopefully if I do decide to go into Marine Biology I can save some. They definitely are beautiful and don't deserve to be murdered like that. D:
    I would have to say probably Killer Whales would be my favorite aquatic animals. Definitely beautiful creatures. It's so very unfortunate that so many of them get killed by those Whale hunting boats. :(
    Hopefully it won't take you long to get there. :3 Camera acting would be fun, wouldn't it? Getting to do cool action scenes, possibly kissing some hot guys...Yeah, that'd be awesome. xD.
    I'm going to try. xD. I just need to know how to get there. :3 Hopefully it won't be too hard to get there.
    Anyways, what kind of acting are you planning to go into? Voice acting or camera acting? ;D
    Acting huh? I wish you TOTAL luck in getting a job so you can pursue your passion in acting! :3 I would love to be an actor, too, but I'm just too camera shy and not to mention the fact I'd be a total dead weight to my co-workers. ;.; So that's why I'm thinking of going into some Marine biology. Swimming with the dolphins, you know? xD I love water so studying it and the animals that live within it would be a dream. <3
    Good luck finding a job. What are you looking for, if i may ask? :3
    But lol, Rattata running through my walls? I'd probably rather have Pachirisu then Rattata. x3.
    Hello there Loonacy! Good to hear from you again. ;D I'm doing quite well. Just a little upset since I figured out I have rodents in my wall in my room. >.< (Wish they were Pokemon instead!) So I'm sorta down, but alright. :3 You?
    You're welcome. I'm glad you like them! :3 I got my dream Pokemon today (Darkrai) so I wanted to share the joy with you. Not the mention the fact i had extras and I weren't really even using them, so they're better off with you then me. ♥ c:
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