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  • I know of the last three you've mentioned but have never played/read/watched them.

    FE:A though, good god, I spent 6 months on just one playthrough of that game. <3 And Pokémon's a given. xD

    Favorite ships from those two?
    I think the club fair is somewhere in mid September, so I was thinking of joining South Asian Culture Club, VMA (Video Games/Manga/Anime), and I'm hoping to find a science or environmental club!! :D

    Oh no!!! How are you feeling now? :0 Drink up on that emergen-c and if your throat hurts, have a spoon of honey or gargle with warm salt water! And omg I totally agree!
    Cool. I listen to idol music (mostly J-pop and K-pop). ^^

    It's a very good mecha anime with a lot of psychology. :)
    Neat! What kind of music do you listen to?

    Mostly YouTube and some anime sites. xD I re-watched Neon Genesis Evangelion. ^^
    It was actually pretty okay! :D Not much work just yet, but for ethics class I have to write a weekly 2 page journal (which takes about 20-30 minutes for me). I only have math today but starting on Wednesday I have to stay for an extra 1 hour 30 min for math lab! On Tuesdays I have 3 classes from 11:20-5:20 (including a 1 hr 20 min break) but I'm going to be tired the most on those days! >.< How are you? :D
    Wow.. 11:30 to 8.. Well I have a friend who worked 12 hours a day. I have no idea how she makes it through so easily!

    2 hours on the bus a day? I am really impatient when I'm riding the bus.. any more than a 30 minute ride would ruin my mood :/
    To university actually!
    That's an awesome way to enjoy the day :D I've been trying to do the same with my backlog haha. What did you watch?
    I don't usually do much for my birthdays :/ Just eat food and play games really (not much different from any other day ehe). My family and I might go out to eat at a restaurant or something.
    I'm not.. 18 years old is considered too old to trick or treat here so I just stick to parties. I also try not to eat too much candy cause y'know, trying to stay in shape and I have a huge problem with eating "just a few pieces". I love dressing up and having a blast with friends and family though :)
    Hahah it's okay, I won't make you think too hard on it! Glad to hear you're doing good! :D

    I've been into watching Hakuoki (which I started last year but got back to it like a week ago) and I ordered the game for 3DS! xD What about you? I'd have to recommend Hakuoki if you haven't watched it yet! :D
    Haha yes indeed, it is fun~ I've been good. Just trying to make the most out of my last free week. How about you?
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