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  • Hello, just wanna say that I love your avatar and sig. Kookie is such a cutie. XD
    The drawing is nice too tho. :p

    I don't envy you at all~

    But what have you been up to lately?
    Thank goodness for umbrellas. It hardly ever rains here but we do get a lot of sun so I mostly use my umbrella as a parasol. xD

    What anime is the character from? :)
    That sucks. I hate it when the weather starts acting up. xD

    Lucky! I always wanted to go to Six Flags and Universal Studios. :) I’m glad you had fun. :D

    I like your new avatar. ^^
    What K-pop song have you been listening to lately? :D

    My friend and I will be taking a road trip to LA next week to see Little Tokyo and Koreatown. :) So excited! =D
    It's okay Moko Choco Latte, I'm terrible at keeping track of my own VMs.

    Who's the one in your avatar atm? :p

    Well damn, it really does sound like allergies if you've been affected this long. o.o
    Uh oh, I guess my last VM went to your likes again. ^^

    Anyways, I've been following EXO and watched "Call Me Baby" video. :)
    So what are your plans for the holiday? :)

    That's kinda odd. I'm sure there's an easy fix for that somewhere. :)

    Same here although I haven't kept up with Jpop in while. xD

    Totally! I loved both seasons, the OVAs and the movie! I wish they make a third season of K-ON! soon. :)
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