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    We will not fite today, since it is your birthday. Congratulations on living another day.
    Semi-secret? Does that mean it has 50% secrecy, and therefore I have a 50% chance of being granted access to the trade secrets?

    "And this cigar," Silverman held it out to his accomplice, "isn't Cuban."
    "It's not?"
    "Don't be a fool! Look more closely." He stuck it right under Lumière's nose. "It's made of money."
    "Ah," he peered at the tear stains that sealed it together. "Money stolen from union workers. An excellent choice, Mark."
    Where in the world are you getting your numbers from, sir?

    "This bill is not about discrimination, and if I thought it legalized discrimination in any way in Indiana, I would have vetoed it," Silverman said into the microphone in finality. The onlookers, roused into fanatic approval, kept up the applause as he walked off stage. Silverman gave a parting wave and vanished behind the curtain. Behind the velvety drapes, Silverman beckoned Lumière over with a smirk.
    "They believed it," he barked a laugh, lighting a cigar. "Every word of it."
    But the "semi" indicates a 50% uncertainty in your prophesying skills, which gives no absolution in your predictions.

    Yes, yes of course, no villain is complete without some form of abusing puppies. But is a kicking session necessary in every chapter? Previous experience leads me to believe that it could feasibly fit in each scene.
    But how can you argue semi-professional abilities against the future version of myself? Are these two to fite as well?

    You give excellent advice. All of my villains will own horizontally integrated oil companies from now on, and will be carbon copies of John D. Rockefeller. Why didn't I think of this before?
    Are you sure? What if I use one of my lifelines to phone in future!Arkadelphiak to join the fite?

    Okay, that helps. Since this character is the only one with a Jewish last name (though there's nothing that equates his villainous tendencies to anything Jewish), I became really concerned at the thought of even a tiny bit of accidental anti-Semitic detailing. "Silverstein" was chosen purely for its nice sound. And it feels weird talking about my work with someone since it's all so private. But thanks.

    Yeah, I sort of went wild with grabbing last names. You'd be surprised at the lack of last names relating to silver. Silverman it is. And you'll like the character when you meet him.
    As thanks, I will go easy on you when we fite.

    Well, I feel stupid. So, I have this central character with some villainous traits. The problem is . . . I never really thought deeply about it, but the man's last name is Silverstein (though he's not technically 'human' and he selected the name for himself). Now, the absolute last thing I want to do is offend any readers, and now I feel sick because I hadn't noticed that little detail. It's critical that his last name relates to silver, and I've assembled a list of names to replace it with. I want your opinion on the matter.

    Possible replacements:
    See, I really like Silverman (because both “silver” and “man” make it ultra-relevant to the themes/plot), but then again . . . it’s a Jewish last name. The same problem emerges. Help.
    Yesss, delicious irony. Did you know that because electric cars are essentially silent, manufacturers insert fake engine sounds in order for drivers to feel safer/not kill unaware pedestrians? Also, they're pitting my favorite Ferrari against a Tesla. LOOK AT THAT TORQUE.

    Ah yes, a seventy page monologue sounds fantastic . . . not sure if I'm feeling a read on justifying immense social inequalities/etc. I suppose that's where the conservative approval emerges.
    Oh no, now your future decisions are making me look bad. In a more reasonable sense, I'll probably buy something energy efficient (i.e. Tesla, electric/hybrid/diesel BMW/Mercedes, etc). But I do have a dream of someday donating a lot of money to my university in hopes of improving its engineering school further.

    *Interesting . . . I've heard of Atlas Shrugged in passing mention, but never read it. What's it about?
    You are a Semi-Professional Prophet, but are you implying that one Ferrari is enough?

    *Point taken. However, reading a Wikipedia article on Objectivism will have to wait until tomorrow, because my brain screamed no at that attempt.
    I'll say yes if you buy me a Ferrari.

    *I accidentally interpreted your comment as a serious question . . .
    Likely due to the immense wage gap in today's world that would objectively separate you from others, and since money is power/etc, people find that attractive. Income is a natural ranking system. And frankly, money can be used to enhance/alter the other attributes. Don't like your teeth? Pay to bleach them. Don't like your ancient Honda Civic? Buy a Mercedes-Benz.

    See, future!Arkadelphiak came by and we had lunch. She told me about all the great things she's doing, then drove off in her time-travelling Ferrari. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask her how badly you were curbstomped, so I suppose it will forever remain a mystery.
    Yeah, I like it. It seems like a lot of fun! Hopefully we can get more people involved and some more characters, too. If you ever need help with that, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand! :D
    I did see it. I mostly skimmed over it, as I didn't have an opportunity to read it thoroughly, though I will probably do so soon. I liked what I skimmed, though! Poor Geoffrey, never stood a chance. xD

    Though Flaze didn't mention to me that you guys were going to write out the battle. I would have loved to write Geoffrey getting his rear-end handed to him! :p
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