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  • Hey man, Just woke up a while ago, Because we stayed up to about 11:30, because we went bowling, and then stayed at our house for cake.From what I've seen, your birthday's tomorrow, right?
    Oh okay~ Yeah, I knew I knew stuff!~ Yeah, I know some stuff about the games through research and game reviews~ But the closest gave to Zelda I've played is Smash~ T3T
    yeah. Just aim the game pad at the creature you want to take a picture of, and press a button, and Bam! Better pictures than the original.
    You zoom with Z and click A. It can be confusing on emulators because it's hard to remember which button does what, but the cartridge edition was really fun, which is why quite a few people want a snap remake or sequel. Hey, If Hoenn was confirmed, and Trozeii got a sequel, why not Snap?
    you know what's really frustrating? trying to take pictures in Pokemon snap on an emulator. It's insanely hard. But I got some good pictures :)
    Hmm, maaaaybe~ Ocarina 3D is kinda a sexy kawaii mix~ As long as he doesn't have huge bug eyes, he's kinda sexy~ Yeah, I've heard it's the greatest game of all time OF ALL TIME! But isn't it like really long and hard? Or is that Majora's Mask? Majora's Mask has the countdown, right (I feel like a n00b; I know some Zelda stuff!)?
    But Twilight Princess Link is SUPER sexy~ Skyward Sword's is, too. Chibi is just kawaii~ And because I obviously am interested in Zelda because Link is sexy (Epsecially in Smash 4), I'll totally get a Zelda game if they can make a 3DS game with sexy in it~ =3=
    That's weird, I was just watching a retrospect of the Legend of Zelda. Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention~ =3=

    I like Zelda, but I don't have any of the games, if that makes any sense~ Like, I wouldn't be opposed if they'd make more games where Link is sexy instead of a chibi. I'd just never gotten into Zelda before...Smash Bros., which is true for most games I pay more attention to now~
    Oh, well nothing much~ School's almost over for me. I finished one of the Anime I was watching~ XD How about you?
    I normally put a question mark or exclamation mark inside the tilde. Like, "What day is it?~" That's just me, tho~
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