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  • Adult Swim had King of the Hill in the past. I remember some things from it like that one episode that was on Sunday or Monday night if I could remember the woman's name but I do remember what she said. Something about her thinking that "Nein" meant "yes" when it actually means "No." It was on twice. I'll get back to this when I actually see the show again and that'll give me some time to ponder about Hank's wife's name.
    Hello Rave! I've heard about and from you from the serebiiforums. You posted in one those threads about Cartoon Channels or something saying you were going to really catch those Looney Toons last Thursday. Did you really watch them all and enjoy them? I was away for the Winter Vacation for the time being and I saw it too. Some of it was hilarious and so commical and classical. But I couldn't have watched all the episodes because some of the hours were spent with my family and cousin at the mall while we decide to come back for a couple hours more of it until Total Drama Island comes on for a few hours and then King of the Hill on Adult Swim. So I wonder how's your life been over the past few days. Although I've never talked to you before. Well at least until now.
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