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  • There's actually a new comic out now. 8D We update *at least try* to every 5 days. xD So far, so good!! 8D
    I feel like Nintendo is laughing at us. xD Watch. I have another trade request and I'm warning the person that wifi is on crack. I'm going to trade and it'll go without a hitch, making me look like a n00b. xD
    I dunno. o.o This has never happened before. At least not to this extent-the ninja-ing, the kicking off-ing. I feel like I'm being trolled by Nintendo.....xD
    I did a little mental happy dance when I saw you become unninjafied. 8D I was like, "OMG." Then I did my happy mental dance of happiness.
    I'm in the room right now but don't see you. Then it says you wanted to join even when I still didn't see you....then it said "the connection with the other person has been lost." o_O I'm confused. You're like a ninja.

    It is. xD At the moment, I vaguely considered it but if I'm doing anything like that, it won't be for some time. xD Cause I'd have to get the company up and running before adding all the extra stuff in. xD
    A bunch of things. xD I've actually decided to put my business on hold for the time being to study in Beijing this year. But a few weeks ago, I was traveling, mainly in Guangzhou, to check out some skin care/make up companies. I'm planning to open my own skin care line and had a company but decided not to use them because I ended up not liking their attitude. xD So I had to find a new one, haha!
    I don't know what that means but Okay? I'm ready to trade any time today I just need your code
    Edit nevermind found it!
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