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  • I'm going to go ahead and say yes, just to get the experience, but just warning you, I won't be nearly as good of a cohost as Zexy.
    I suppose I'd need to replay them, hm? I am definitely interested, however I do need to know when exactly this mafia would take place! I was thinking of hosting a The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Mafia on my own eventually, maybe sooner towards winter break.
    Hey! I saw you on Reddit asking for what deaths lead to a Game Over in FE games. What are you planning to present in school with that information?
    Hai MCH
    Hope we get along co-hosting ^ vs v alongside Sword Master
    I know I'm excited.
    Just started v23, let me know of any changes that need to happen.
    Thanks, I'll add Blastoise to the team :)

    I'm going to do a blog to record my proress when I start the playthrough, I'll mention you in the blog when I'm posting updates. I'll probably be starting this tomorrow, just making final preparations now.

    Also forgot to ask, would you like to give Squirtle a nickname, you don't have to though?
    Hi ROMCH :)

    I'm currently planning to do a bulba friends playthrough of pokemon omega similar to the ones done by HeroicFox and AussieEevee, I remebered you made suggestions for their teams.

    I was wondering if you would like to suggest a pokemon for me to use in my team , it can be any pokemon as long as it isn't legendary?

    So far my team consists of; Glaceon (AussieEevee), Chandelure (BAG), Porygon Z (ME), Floatzel (HeroicFox) and Torterra (Sword Master)
    Just a side note about the game I'm actually kinda sad that Abe died first in TPPMafia, the red 151 urn is my favorite thus far and one of the few urns I actually fully participated in.
    Well... I'm actually thinking of taking a break from it until I can get a breather in my school work. I need to figure out if I'm going to hand it off to someone else or just let it go on hiatus. Like I can still do mod work and pretty much everything else, but this particular time commitment was just too much.
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