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  • This is the main problem, yes. That was one of the reason the competitive scene grew so strong in Gen IV. It's also funny that random battles are also 3vs3. That makes me wonder if they do realize the metagame of Pokemon. 3v3 battles make no sense.

    Also, Super Pokémon Rumble is no official. Of appearance that most of things we saw were rumors. I'm glad to see the Miis... :p
    So, in the end, if I had too choose between:
    (a) What we've been talking all this time, a Wii Pokémon RPG, at least a bit better than Colosseum/XD in quality.
    (b) A slightly underwhelming title for Wii.
    (c) A direct-on-Wii U, fully-featured RPG.

    It would be a > c > b. Just I am leaning towards (c), little by little, seeing how (a) is getting more and more unlikely.

    I should maybe mention that I'm also excited about Wii U's concept. I can see so many ways that it could be used on Pokémon, that I'm eagerly waiting to see the developers give their best in a good result. Granted, I'd still take a Wii game before it, but now my minimum requirements have grown. I wouldn't like to see a half-developed concept, or something that seems rushed or wasted.

    Also, as you know, I still don't like the idea of Gen V being short lived. Maybe an RPG (either for Wii, or Wii U) next year could be a great way to replenish Generation V with new content, in a not-really-short amount of time, so, this is, to me at least, is a bright side. I know that you want Generation VI to come as soon as possible, but I can give them a bit of time. I confess that they only thing I'm afraid of is Graey. Could it happen, in the end?

    I'm still afraid of the idea that such thing would potentially ruin some great things from Black and White (the contrast, the plot's climax, several mysteries that finally made appearance, etc.), but it's also noticeable that BW's Wi-Fi battling features are very underwhelming. Much of the competitive scene (including me, and several of my friends) are still playing mainly on Generation IV games for this reason.

    How would you find it if Game Freak worked on another Generation V game that isn't (necessarily, or exactly) a third version?
    As for why I think that Pokémon Wii's chances are gone now, well... Thinking twice, I'm a little afraid of how they would treat a title so late in the machine's life. Arguably, there are more AAA titles coming out soon, than there were in many points of Wii's life -- but we are speaking of a game that will be played until its successor comes out, and on the same time, Wii U needs a main Pokémon game. Would they spend a great budget on a title like this when the Wii's successor is so close?

    There are two choices; they can either be quick on this one, and be done with it as soon as possible, only to start working on another Gen V battle game on Wii U -- or they can directly work on it for Wii U, have it ready sooner than later. You might ask "what if they have already progressed far along?". That's what we've been talking for a while now, and I feel that there is no good enough reason for them not to show the game at E3, had it progressed enough for it to be released in this year. It would be an unexpected, excellent apology for the lack of Wii software during the first half of 2011.

    I'm not saying that it has zero chances of happening. If it's still a game as brilliantly worked on as Skyward Sword or Kirby Wii (GameCube, actually!) are, then I'd take it blindfolded. I just think that we should have seen it at this point, if it was to indeed on the way. On a side, positive note, I should mention of course that Nintendo will indeed refrain from releasing too many in-house content for Wii U's launch window, for they are trying to persuade more third-party developers into working on their new hardware. This might backup the argument that chances are still not zero.
    Quite honestly, these are good news in my ears. Once in a while, I like me some good spin-offs, and I must say that Rumble wasn't bad. If this dares to expand upon the finely established hack-and-slash genre of Rumble, add a plot, depth and character to the game, then I might as well give it a chance. This is probably by Ambrella, isn't it? I wonder if what I have is simply a false hope.

    As for the wasted potential, I personally feel that the medieval theme isn't something new, that Ambrella first came up with -- it lies deeply into the core of Black and White's conception, not only in the face of the Musketeer Trio, but also Team Plasma. This is certainly one of the least explored themes present into BW, but you can't say it's missing. It could certainly be explored in the Wii game -- would it come. I think that a good comparison could be made with time-traveling in GSC. It's there, other media in the franchise has used it, and it absolutely shows that it was to be used in a main game as well (read: X). But we're still yet to (actually) see it.

    Anyway, I , of course (much like you I imagine), am a bit bittersweet about one-offs. I like when I can make connections, even as small as the ones between Ranger and the main series -- or heck, even in the likes of Link! or Snap, where we just see an expansion of the universe, without contradictions and plot-deepening, along with great gameplay. This doesn't seem to have to do with any of this. I'm afraid it might even depart from the Rumble concept of Pokémon toys instead of real Pokémon. If that, it could of course be on the MD continuity, but it's still troubled, for the fact that it uses upscaled and downscaled Pokémon, et cetera.
    Okay, I don't think that anything is happening anymore. The Wii project was probably moved on Wii U, or scrapped all together. Let's hope it is the first scenario, and we get it on launch!

    As a side note, even more disappointing is that it won't use the Pokémon Miis... I really liked those fellas. :p
    Yeah, I'm not counting on it happening anymore either. The Wii project was either scrapped, or moved on 3DS.
    The conference was ingeniously confusing. I need some time to feel the aftermath. It was definitely among the most strange conferences in the history of E3.
    How did you come to that conclusion? The system itself mostly stole all the impressions. It's surprisingly innovative (in comparison to the mostly "raw" PSP), and packed with many things developers can work with to give out both home and portable experiences. The fact that it's library is also hot is a big plus -- I'm actually surprised to see its games being so much optimized for portable gaming, such as LittleBigPlanet Touch. But most of all, basically, it costs just 250$/€. That's a steal, if you compare it to 3DS in terms of horsepower. Nintendo is gonna need either a big price drop (of at least 50 bucks) or Pokémon -- real soon.

    I can compare (with a bit of exaggeration, possibly, but no mind) Sony's E3 conference with last year's Nintendo conference.
    Massive Project Cafe details leaked - Games and other details

    Had you a choice between a Café title by Game Freak and a Wii title by Genius Seniority, what would it be? I confess that a Game Freak console game is too sweet an experinment to say no to...Can you imagine a colaborational team between the two for a console title? That would be perfect.

    This is probably the last round of rumors. The wait is becoming more and more hard! As does studying for the exams... :p
    Ninty's conference is at Tuesday, June 7th, at 09:00. You can watch it live here. Even if they don't announce a new Pokémon game, it will be worth watching this year, with Project Café and everything! But I figure they will give at least a few minutes in Wii's lineup, composed of about 2-3 localizations, 2-3 already known games, and probably Pokémon. It's also a tradition that when it comes to quantity many titles are announced after the show, just when Nintendo's website goes live. But I think that a game as important as Pokémon will get lots of spotlight. I'm hoping for a trailer without warning!
    It's developed by Creatures, apparently. So, those are the Pokémon Company models? That worries me, to be honest. It could just be their being rendered with lower polygon count, or the lack of light effects, but they still seem kinda sketchy, if not even a bit inaccurate. Anyway, time shall show.

    Also, a third version on 3DS could definitely have such graphics, if to make an excuse out of debuting with a third version. I mean, why do you find it surprising? Is it really a leap? It's not. It's more like a "the models are already done, we can use them" kind of situation. But I figure Game Freak would make their own models, as they did with every modeled Pokémon in Generation IV, so, this isn't really much of an argument anymore.
    Hello! Just here to say "Hi!", revitalize the E3 hype!
    7 days and a few hours left. I hope nothing leaks before E3. It's gotta be interesting!

    Also, the Pokédex app is classy, isn't it? Who could be the developer? Judging from the logo, I dare to say it's Game Freak's work! The models also look different than the usual Pokémon Company stuff -- the textures appear to be more simple (portable-oriented, I'd say). So, if Game Freak made their own models... That perspective surely has an interest!
    Let's hope that there will be some cooperation. You might disagree on this, but the fact that Game Freak cooperated with HAL on Ranger, is part of what did Ranger a great game (and series, if we try to forget some fails). If they did that with Ranger, I don't see why they can't do it again, especially when we're talking about a main series entry now. They don't have to sweat it either; just make so that the Wii RPG is welcomed in the Pokémon universe by giving it an obvious connection with Black and White -- some kind of exclusivity. Kyurem's "real" form, for example.
    Hmm... Then it's not impossible that Crystal may be X, it's hard to tell with the black and white shots. There have been a few GBA-enhanced games on GBC, namely the Zelda Oracles and Shantae. The Oracles actually utilized better graphics (as in; more color palettes) when played on GBA. I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of the enhancements X originally featured. The reason that the ability to download new Pokémon was scrapped is a big question... I can imagine this is due to flash technology being quite pricey back then. It could increase the game's cost to add flash memory for, say, 250 more Pokémon, although this may not be it for sure either.

    You know what's for sure? Either or not Crystal is X, it's apparent that there are unconcealed events. Maybe they would originally going to be featured in a Crystal that had a quite longer plot, which by Occam's razor is the most logical conclusion. Of course, it's not impossible that X was a completely different game altogether, but thinking about it, I doubt that. I wonder, will we ever see the GS Ball again?

    As for the Wii surprises... You seem quite inclined that the game would be released worldwide in 2011... :p That would be strangely nice, but for now I'm just happy to hear more indication that the project is moving. Deep inside me, I'm still afraid that next week we might hear about an indifferent Ambrella game for 3DS and be disappointed... But it looks like we have nothing to fear. :p
    Don't let the fact that GBA was a generation ahead of N64 confuse you. It is technically completely possible for data to be transferred from a GBA cartridge to N64, had the correct adapter be released. The Stadium games were so good for games for many reasons; one of them is the fact that the developers thought of how enhanced the experience is when connectivity with the Game Boy games is achieved, and decided to include the Transfer Pak along with the game. A similar accessory (or rather, an enhanced Transfer Pak, which was anyway an extremely low-cost accessory) for GBA carts could easily have been bundled with Stadium 2 (GS).

    I don't think that the progress of Pokémon X had gone too far before it was cancelled, and Game Freak deciding to go with Crystal. In fact, I believe that it may even be a completely different game, which could potentially success GS, just like GS succeed RGBY (as in; "Pocket Monsters 3" -- and I don't mean RS, which were kind of a reboot. Or just as likely, something comparable to Pocket Monsters RPG 64, in the matter that theoretically, it could have had the role of explaining the GS Ball).

    I can imagine that its progress was left behind, and Game Freak decided to put it in hiatus and release a third version to obtain funds for working on the completely new game -- Pokémon X unfortunately never changed its status. If it had been released, it could very likely have featured the time where the GS Ball was transferred (the time traveling scenario, which we so many times discussed), what it included, who was responsible of traveling with it (Kris?), and what became of it. A possibly more accurate variation of this scenario was that while all of this indeed happened, Pokémon X was cancelled before Crystal released -- resulting in Crystal featuring additional features of the said game (as surely is the Mobile Adapter, for one matter). The GS Ball could also be one of them, left unexplained.
    Yes, that's true. After all, XD was spoken of in E3 2005, although it was just announced, wasn't it? We may have a similar case this year as well!
    That's true, I probably should not have included DS. If Game Freak is working on a third version, it's certainly on 3DS. But yes, this should be the last Wii Pokémon game, and Iwata mentioning it must mean that it's quite the important game -- obviously. While the reveal could have to do with a 3DS game (most likely a spin-off), the Wii game is first on board, considering that it would release this year, when, in contrast, there is no press in the time plan for a 3DS game.
    The link doesn't work anymore... Is this the first "proper" reveal of Kyurem? As in, coverage? If so, I think that the game certainly has to do with Kyurem, which of course isn't surprising; be the Wii RPG or Grey (I mean, either on DS or 3DS), it will most likely feature Kyurem anyway.

    Let's hope it will be the first scenario. Can you imagine the game being called Grey too? :p
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