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  • I'm bored. Let's do an interview. Enjoy me going insane.

    Me: So, Mr. Decidueye, how do you feel about the recent news regarding Pokemon: Sword & Shield?

    : Very satisfying! I always wanted to become a giant and destroy all my opponents, now my dreams will at long last come true.

    Me: Nice, nice! And how do you feel about your lack of appearance in the anime since SM081?

    : Well I tell ya Ducky, it's just discriminatory, I mean sure I might not be as buff as Mr. Macho Cat with his fancy belt of fire or as alluring as the beautiful Ms. Primarina, but I have talents! I'm an owl that can shoot his quills like arrows! And what about my awesome ghost typing, that cool! I mean for Arceus sake, what am I, chopped liver or something!?!?! GIVE ME MORE SCREEN TIME!!! YA HEAR ME!?!!?!? I AM JUST AS IMPORTANT AS--

    Me: Okay...I think well wrap this interview up...
    Yeah...I want these games, now! Like right now! How I wish I could just time travel to November!
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    That's a fair point; Charizard does seem to compliment Leon's designs.

    • More regarding Corviknight: It's interesting that they made it flying/steel instead of vice-versa, but either way for now I have my eye on this one. I've always liked Skarmory, but this may have it beat. That design is beast!
    • Gossifleur looks amazing (I actually thought it was a chili pepper mon people have been joking about for however long.) Eldegoss does look kinda meh, but even then I still like it, it kinda reminds me of Bellossom and Roselia, with a bit of Jumpluff and Cottonee mixed in. I can't see myself using it yet until I learn its moveset, stats, and abilities, but I still like it for what it is.
    • Wooloo is cute! We didn't get our fire sheep starter, but this still isn't half bad; It would be so cool if your idea came true and you can customize it like Furfrou.
    • Drednaw is the coolest looking snapping turtle ever, and I'm wondering if Ash will get one next saga. Not too much to say aside from I like it and its color scheme so much!
    • More on the Legendaries: Zacian and Zamazenta are just beautiful, they kind of remind me of Amaterasu from Okami. People who guessed they be wolves where totally correct, the logos weren't just metaphorical. The origins of these two must be so cool, I read an awesome post saying the potential reference to these two, and it sounded legit.
    • I finally got a good look at the Dynamax Band, and it looks technologically advanced which makes me think it's not of ancient origin like Mega evolution and Z-moves, but new and created perhaps by scientist; just a little theory.
    • The idea of a Dynamaxed Wailord is crazy cool; the largest known Pokemon ever just got bigger!
    • I alright with the Rotom phone, just hope it doesn't interrupt my gameplay.
    • All these new characters already have me sold. I wonder if Professor Magnolia will be an old friend of Professor Oak.
    • Indeed. I don't remember where it was but someone brought up this is the third time Flying was the primary typing after the Noibat line. Will be interesting to see the reasoning for this. Agreed, I love Wooloo but Corviknight's my favorite design wise! It looks so cool!
    • I get a lot of Jumpluff/Whimsicott vibes from Eldegoss too. I'm likewise about it.
    • I definitely see either Ash or one of the traveling companions capturing Dreadnaw, the description just makes for a great arc. Oh yeah, it's definitely going on my team so far and I'm going to name it either Turtleman or YEYEYE!! after this show.
    • Indeed and look how popular it's gotten! Almost everyone loves Wooloo!
    • Not much to say other than I agree with everything you say about Zacian and Zamazenta. Also these made me laugh.
      • Maybe!
      • I didn't really have to much issue with Rotom in UM. Yeah, him asking me to save and give me advice I didn't ask for got annoying but whenever he asked questions like about growing up, I found it really sweet. Riding our bikes on water will be lots of fun! (Wonder if Ash will destroy someone's bike again after so long.)
      • Yeah, Dynamaxed Wailord's going to be something!
      • I really like them too. Unlike a lot of the other fans, I like Hop and can't wait to see his story arc. Sonia's pretty but I like the female player character more. I could see Professor Magnolia and Professor Oak being old friends.
    • Yeah, it's nice to have another mon with a primary flying typing. I'm also liking the idea that it seems to be the Fly/fast travel of the game like Charizard in Alola.
    • The more I look at it the more I can see Dreadnaw going to Ash or his friends. It looks like it could be a good Pokemon for the girl of the saga like how Dawn got Mamoswine. It would be an interesting duo I think, it not than I guess the guy getting it would be fine too.
    • Oh man, I use to watch that show! Those would be such cool nicknames!
    • Yeah, it got popular real fast; it's great to have another sheep mon again. I'm actually wondering if this one will evolve now after seeing the fanart fans posted on the thread.
    • All those memes are so cute. I'm not surprised to see how popular these two have become in such a short time.
    • Yeah, I do like Rotom cause of those reasons, it's just the tutorial-esque stuff I wish you could disable, otherwise it was fine. When I saw the bike riding over water, I freaked out! Now I want to see that bike in the anime with the girl's introduction riding it over water, than Pikachu destroying it by accident.
    • I wonder if Hop will be like Barry cause I'd be TOTALLY fine with that for the record.(y) If the anime adapts his character I hope he's treated better than how they treated Hau. Yeah she is, another character that got popular insanely fast. I loved Truegreen7's reaction when he said everyone's so good looking. lol
    • You know speaking of the player characters, I'm hoping they'll have equal clothing options. I'm still on UM right now, and the male player character has somewhat boring clothing options. So far the new clothes are looking pretty nice, I'll say.
    Delphox is awesome, I approve.
    Delphox is one of the most beautiful Fire and/or Psychic-types. Said by a Chesnaught lover.
    While I like Fennekin the most out of the evolutionary line, I think Delphox is really cool and deserves a lot more love. A witch/mage/sorcerer is a really fitting idea for a fox Pokémon especially after reading Foxcraft. I was surprised to find out people don’t like Delphox, I remember when it was revealed, a lot of people liked it (mostly because it wasn’t a Fire/Fighting type but a lot of people liked it for other reasons). I just wish the 3DS model was better. :\ Your avatar really gives Delphox a lot of justice.
    Yeah, when I use a Pokemon as an avatar for the first time I normally post the 3D model as a status update...yeah, not this time. I definitely agree it could look better. I don't remember who said it here, but someone on one of the threads here said Delphox's 3D model looks like a Christmas tree which is kinda hard to unsee once someone mentions it, and I have to admit it's kinda true, it does have that pine tree shape to it.


    lol. Just playing around, I can wait for news (sorta), I'm was just bored.
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    Did you hear there’s a 15 minute Pokémon Direct coming up on June 5th and a Pokémon Business Strategy Conference tomorrow?
    Yep, at least we're getting something else now. I've put that T-shirt contest drama behind and am ready for some news, some good news that is about these games! So how are you feeling about all this news?
    Pretty excited! I hope we’ll get to see some of the new Pokémon and the Starter evolutions! Sadly I’ll be taking a test when the conference is going on but hopefully I can watch it afterwards. 15 minutes, woo hoo!
    What a beautiful wolf! :D
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    Reactions: TheGoldenToon
    Thanks. I don't know if you ever heard of the game Ōkami, but it's one of my favorites. It is actually what got me interested in Japanese folklore/mythology. The wolf is actually the games take on Amaterasu and the main protagonist of the game when she's at her full power.
    Sounds interesting! I’ll have to check it out. :)
    Cool! This much I can tell you is the game has a very unique set of characters. Issun (Amaterasu's friend and travel companion) is quite feisty, and it's funny to see him get mad.
    Non-Pokemon avi!!??? Gets confused
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