Turtle Tamer Kammy
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  • What? That wasn't minimodding. I was trying to help the welcoming members have fun here and answering some other person's questions. You call that minimodding? I said all that stuff because I love and respect the new members.
    Wait a minute. How was I mini-modding? I never mini-modded here. Also I can't try over at serebii because I'm still banned from there.
    A shock you say? Yeah, I know. I'll just wait to see what those other people's responses in the Meet the New Mods thread will be. PokemonTrainerLisa didn't get the position either because she creeds she's too nice for the position. Even if that includes too nice to give out infractions when a member of the forums breaks the rules. :O
    Also, I axed Rapid Spin so Typhlosion could benefit from Stealth Rock (trust me on that one). Moveset should look like...

    -Ice Punch/Avalanche

    Invest EVs in HP, Defense, and Attack. Attack gets the least priority.
    I would suggest a Wacan Berry as a hold item. To be honest, I sort of copped out on this one, I'm terrible at improvising. I'll probably get Cyndaquil to you when I check my canidates.
    The Garchomp is for your team, okay? Hopefully you can ask Tina or someone else with Platinum to teach it Outrage over Dragon Claw for you.
    Okay, need your FC and get three Pokemon to trade. You're getting my Garchomp, a Squirtle (awesum nickname lulz), and a Sassy Ditto.
    First off, I only wanted to friend you because i wanted to access this page and tell you off.

    First off..i'm sorry for how i could have offended you with my post [which i didn't do anything to you]. I only said what i said and did thats how we did it at the forums i usually go on. I'm not a n00b and i'm not a troll, i am tired of people like you telling me off. I already had enough, ya know.

    Sorry for the stuff i didn't do wrong.

    EDIT- Oh, and I just looked at my 'Hello I'm New' thread and it seems like everybody disagrees with you...just saying.
    I NO RITE?! :D

    Thank you kindly, I think you may be the first forum member to have noticed, so you aren't actually late.

    I am super-proud of my member number, even though technically member 616 would have the real mark of the beast. D:
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