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  • Hey how are you? Been a while.
    Yeah, with PRPs you sorta know they're active and reliable beforehand. Of course, I was the weak link in the ones I did...
    Nah not really. I can go inactive for a long time. I just have a really good partner and we're great at doing PRPs together even if one goes MIA for a bit.
    Ah, okay. Guess it's the same for me. The people in my group sometimes need a while to focus on other things, myself included, but we always come back in the end.
    Good, good. I must admit, I've been playing a whole lot of Gran Turismo lately. XD
    It is pretty unsettling, and has nothing to do with the artstyle of the game either XD
    More or less shouting curses at the screen, confusion and confused horror in that order.
    I still feel like buying cloudy glasses and filling your dimensional boxes with them is more efficent, since you make like 300g per trip.
    I know that.

    ... Oh wait, dog residue spawns more dog residue, right. I screwed up and sold it all.
    That too, but I'd already lost the chance because I tried to take the artifact.
    Well, I wouldn't call that cheating if you've reached temmie village. YOu can buy temmie flakes for 1G and sell them for 2G for infinite money, but changing the files is both faster and less tedious.
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