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  • After seeing him compared to Mr. Resetti, I somewhat expect him to just pop into this conversation with his red and capital letters.
    I know Galleon complained that spaces counted when some graders assumed they didn't. And when he complains, you just go with him.
    randomly looking through the updates on the forums since my last visit, I noticed the edits in your story (thanks to Alaskapigeon claiming it). I can confirm that character count includes spaces, but I can also find a place that says this if you want to be sure.
    EDIT: Sorry, but it turns out that it's not. I already agreed to a battle with Legendary Master, but I forgot to make the thread and then forgot about it. I've got three on the forum and don't have AIM, but I can battle you afterward if you'd like.
    Nah well maybe I dont know but moving on, out of the like 15 people I randomly added I only talk to one a lot still, so I figured why bother to add people if I we wont bother to be talking?
    Well yeah haha I didn't think you thought of it that far in like I was coming to get you, but haha don't take it in too far, whenever someone I don't know looks at my profile I use to half the time randomly friend add them (stopped doing that) so since I stopped doing that I figured I'd make a crazy post :p
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