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  • Rafia? A Pakistani PokeFan?
    So cool :)
    Nice to meet ya, I'm from Pakistan as well :D
    OMG, thank you :D I want people to be pumped up for the league as much as I am XD

    Yeah, I do, actually. With his hat turned backwards :D (Is it different now?)
    No! I just tend to pick up stuff off the ground out of curiosity... :p

    Anyway, I gotta go get ready for school. So I'll talk to you later! Bye!
    It was a few years ago... on my birthday, no less. :sweat:
    I had just picked one up and squished it in my hand. So... yeah.
    Its a pretty weird, tingly feeling. My hand just started hurting really bad. And if I would touch anyone else, it would it would infect them too, but not as bad.
    Yeah, a couple of times. Its pretty fun, feeling the waves crash on your legs. And its also really fun to run across the beach.
    My full name is Benjamin, which is as well as Arabic name as Jewish as well as, let's just say it has a lot of uses in the world. Ben is just a shortcut of my name, which I like better. ^^
    I live in Bosnia (which is located in Europe in case you've never heard of it). Our land is filled with Catholics and Christians, but most of the people here are Muslims as well as those nearby. :)
    Why would there be a problem? :p So am I. Nice to see another person like me on these forums. ^^
    Ya know, I'd like for the guy on your avatar get a Pokemon from my avatar. Tsutarja would suit Dento quite well in BW.
    Wow, interesting name you have there. So, how are you doing Rafia? Btw, is it Ra-faya or Ra-fia? :D I mean, how is it pronounced?
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