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  • LOL!! XD And I was all excited... :p
    My freind, who's always on Tumblr directed me to someone's page who had a Born this way leak... :eek: But you could barley understand anything... I'll ask her for the link. :p

    D'awww... Thanks! ^^;

    Uhm, not much. Gonna go out of state tomorrow. D:
    Okay, here it goes:

    WE R WHO WE R, so we will burst into the night sky like a FIREWORK. So RAISE YOUR GLASS if you know your perfect JUST THE WAY YOU ARE. Ignore all the insults, because you know what? We were BORN THIS WAY!

    And I'll type it since my scanner doesn't want to work
    I made something about all the new self encouragement songs coming out. Want to hear.

    Also, I have a newspaper article about Gaga. Want me to scan it?
    Well, it's usually the opposite for me. I put Bulbapedia as a favorite so that I can go on immediatly, And for some reason, despite me being on the comp for hours, my eyes never hurt.

    Nothing much. I'm only excited about the new starter names. But I do have a list of the top things I'm interested in:

    1. Starters engish names
    2. P!nk (Yay, she's pregnant+ I want her new greatest his album)
    3. Taylor Swift (I like her new single "Back To December")
    4. Black Eyed Peas(I want their new album)
    5. Rihanna (I want her new album)
    6. Nicki Minaj (I want her album
    7. Ke$ha (New album + my newfound respect for her)
    8. My class's Thanksgiving party
    9. Lady Gaga (She'll always be here :p)
    10. Beyonce (for no reason)
    Nice to see someone cares... ^^;

    OMG my friend played that game like... two years ago! :O
    Stupid game... I cant find the car keys.
    Yep. But Bulba's too cool for sk001. :p
    xD LOL!! Aww, little Diamond's growin' up. :(
    You've never seen it before. D:
    Oh yeah. Time dif. Well, good bye!
    Ya know, I never see you online this late. :eek:

    I grew bored of Teeth and Speechless. D: Now I'm really into Brown Eyes, Fooled me Again Honest Eyes and Eh Eh Nothin Else I can say.

    OMG I found this vid where Space Cowboy is beatboxing and she starts singing to it and its really good! Wanna link? :eek:
    Oh god, that's too good. X)
    But yeah, I bet she does. I see clips from her concert on Youtube and she's sings and dancing and SHE DUN GET TIRED! :eek: I mean, I sing and dance to Bad Romance and I loose my breath half way! XD; I don't know how she manages to sing 10 or 12 songs live while pulling off all them cool dance moves. I APPLAUD HURR.
    LOL!!! XDD;
    She could poke people's eyes out with those things. :p Of she could throw that spiky star thingy she was caring around in the Grammy's red carpet. :O
    I am love
    I'm 14
    But here in the UK everybody does it young. Our average for breaking viriginity is 12-15 so I did it quite late xD
    But then again I wouldn't do it with anybody but him I loved him alot
    Like of course I've had alot of bf's and gf thatI've kissed and stuff but I'd never have sex with them
    No no 2 months was for general dating as my last boyfriend (like my true love. He was my best friend since were were born and dated like a year and a half ago and I hade sex with him) anyway I didn't get asked by Tyler until 2 weeks ago so it's not that much xD
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