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  • v you got it right Baron, also Moonlight, i've been wondering, is Erufuun based on Saci-Pererê? it is a brownish creature that lives in the forest, goes through things and rides a typhoon, is it something that everybody knows, or i'm the first to notice the similarities?
    The full quote is "Only two things are infinite: universe and human's stupidity. Though I'm not sure about the first one".
    This is the easy way for me. The hard way for me would be talking to the teachers, who are gonna lash back at me.
    oi Mooonlight Umbreon! eu postei a minha Fanfic na writer's workshop, ela se chama Pokemon: Black and White World

    se tiver tempo por favor a leia e comente se quiser!
    ha! cara q coincidência! ontem eu consegui um Eevee Shiny e evolui ele prum umbreon *O*
    i though it would happen...
    could you just use wathever sprite you got? pleaaase?
    oh okay! meu nome é artur z. fiorini, sou do rio grande do sul, da cidade de passo fundo, sou novo nos fórums, sempre adorei pokemon, tenho 15 anos,
    pokemons favoritos são: Jalorda, Snivy, Umbreon, Lapras e Leoparda.

    mas se naum quiser ta beleza XD!
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