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  • np. And I forgot to mention this, but I was planning on slapping on a TM with that. 'n I forgot, 'cause I'm a sillyhead who just spent the last five days pulling ten hour shifts in a bakery. So if you want to TATB, what's a TM you'd like especially?
    You're probably right. I'd like to think Bakuman will pull twists like Death Note, but it is a Shonen manga. They tend to be straightforward with the heroes winning.
    So how do you think everything is going to turn out? I'm kind of hoping nobody overcomes Eiji. I feel like it would be interesting to see where the plot goes if Fukuda and Ashirogi have to compete for the top spot. And then later on they could bring in Eiji's new manga as a threat.

    I don't know, I just don't see how beating Eiji once is going to make a big difference in the grand scheme of things.
    Could have been. It wasn't a very extensive conversation, just an agreement on how good the manga is =P
    Since like a week ago, and not entirely sure why. It is really really good. I remember talking to someone in the URPG about it. Just not sure who.
    Your Easter Life is invalid. You need to have at least 3 Pokemon in order to participate.
    I assume you're talking about the Robert Jordan books?
    Yeah, it's a pretty common Irish name. It also means "Chief".
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