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  • Wow um after catching Landorus, I was heading out, and accidently ran into a trainer I somehow never fought. Then one of their Pokemon used Whirlwind and of course, of all the Pokemon, Thundurus has to pop out. So he got some EXP, but not enough to level up. Is that okay? I can redo it if not.
    YEAH ACTUALLY but I accidentally "ended" the trade and can't do anything until you end the trade too ): So end it and I'll talk to you again lol sorry
    Yeah, I do >.< It's annoying, even more so when you're trying to trade with someone and you can't get in touch D: Will you still be online in 20 min? I need to take a quick shower before it's 2pm since I'm going out soon, if that's not okay, I can try to trade first ^^
    Ah, so sorry D: I'll be on for some hours now, and some hours in the evening, so hopefully we'll run in to eachother while we're both online ^^
    Sorry for the late reply! I'll be able to trade in about 20 min, if that's okay? :D You wanted a Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Cyndaquil, Mudkip and a Piplup, right?
    No worries. That's good to hear, though - that my Axew got put to use. :p
    I'm not in a rush. What was the nickname you were wanting? (It's been so long I've forgotten...).
    Argh, everyone wants to trade at once :p

    You're priority because this trade is way overdue. I'm currently trading, so once I've finished I'll get off, grab the Axew and add your FC. I'm not sure if you already have mine, but if you don't it's: 5071-3141-9155. :]
    Gah, I was over on smogon and it logged me out -_- Let me know if you come back.
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