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  • Sorry, i'm a bit busy and didn't see your message until now. Is it ok if we just do the trade at 10 tomorrow like you suggested?
    Hey! I don't know what happened, I was not online earlier, sorry for the confusion. I have registered your friend code and I'm ready when you are :)
    Hey I saw your giveaway thread and I've been trying to get a dw sableye with recover forever! I don't have much in terms of dw abilities, but I do have a bunch of shinies if you're interested in that. My black fc is 3739 9537 4708

    If you do, in fact, want to trade me one of the Sableye, it doesn't have to be adamant. I'd actually prefer if it had a nature that increased speed or spd and decreased atk or spa. Let me know if you want to know about my shinies or my very few dw pokes!
    The Vulpix has already been bred. So whenever you want to pick it up. I'll be somewhere else tonight. So your choice.
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