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    Though I'm NOT looking forward to TR & Handsome teaming up. TPCI's probably getting their box of god-awful puns ready as we speak...
    Probably not given today's episode showing they haven't gone back to how they were in DP (not entirely). They only wrote those puns because TR was meant to be funny. When they aren't meant to be funny, they won't be in the dub.
    When you don't receive response for weeks, its pretty obvious how someone ignores that person not wanting to talk with him /her.

    But if anything i would at least be courteous enough giving some explanation, making it clear why i don't want to talk with certain person.

    Either way it was nice meeting you, i wont bother you ever again.
    You sure? I've seen your posts and I think you'd have some neat ideas. Just say what you have to say. Plus, it's hasn't been that long and so long as your post is relevant to the topic, I think you'll be fine. I'm just curious to hear your thoughts about it.
    Did you find my thread "What IF you ran the Anime?" I really think that you'd be interested in it so check it out if you can.
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