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  • I might take a break from this site...if I do it, I'll still be on FF...updating my stories slower than a dead sloth. :u

    ...Did I mention that I saw an owl today...? I started crying. Damn owl pictures used by teachers. >:u

    .....And I saw an HGSS PokeSpe Japanese scan....YELLOW WAS IN A FUCKING TR OUTFIT WHAT THE FUCK but if it is what I partially suspect it is then it's still a pretty good plot twist
    Well...do you have B2 or W2?

    I'm sorry. :eek: I tried to do a Nuzlocke once before, and then I was like "Screw it, this is too hard" and gave up on it.

    So, like, what are your IRL friends like? I'm just wondering. I can tell you about mine. :3
    Well...do you have B2 or W2?

    I'm sorry. :eek: I tried to do a Nuzlocke once before, and then I was like "Screw it, this is too hard" and gave up on it.

    So, like, what are your IRL friends like? I'm just wondering. I can tell you about mine. :3
    RIP, my starter...Ceres...

    Ceres the Ralts
    Level 5-11
    Quirky nature
    Death by Spinda on Route 3; continuous use of Uproar while trying to flee

    You shall be missed, my dear starter...
    ...as for that self-VM down there, I don't really have any talents either. That doesn't make you pathetic, though.
    I realized that if I couldn't draw halfway decent, I'd have no talents. That's kind of pathetic...

    ...Time to vent out to Cleverbot...
    I'm worried...

    On another note, my appointment should be today or tomorrow...y'know, the depression one...I don't like doctors...I guess I'll have to lie about everything since no one off the Internet knows of the whole GM thing...
    *hugs back* Is everything okay?

    And I am so sorry for taking my time replying to you. I'm moving and have to be out of my apartment on Sunday. Though if you have a Skype or wanna IM somewhere, that can be arranged (I promise I'll make time to talk to you, because I love to procrastinate and I'd really love to catch up). Just name a time.
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