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  • Nobody knows what they are capable of... maybe in the future, you may be able to defeat me... One day...

    Well, at least you still discuss video games, so that's good. I guess I'm the same way, but I don't participate in discussions that much, just read stuff. Like gaming news and stuff.

    Ahh, sorry for confusing you with someone else! I wonder what happened to him...
    OH MY GOD! Wow, it's been a long time...

    Did you think that your nuke could simply destroy me? Did you think that by destroying me, you could destroy what I stand for? I am Reborn, a Phoenix, Eternal. I live on. They don't call me Phoenixon for nothing, do they?

    Anyway, jokes aside...
    How's everything? As for me, as you may have read, I've officially said goodbye to these forums. (Don't click on that link if you're not ready for some of my deeper, more depressing thoughts...)
    But I'll still talk to people here. Meaning we can still talk. So YAYYYY!!!

    It appears to me that you stopped writing that fan fic you were writing long ago... Did you just get bored of it, or are you too busy nowadays? Do you plan on continuing to write it some time? If not, can you just tell me what happens (pleeaaaase)?

    What else do you do here on these forums nowadays? And how's everything going on in what people call "real life"?
    The green ranger appears and pushes them out of the way, sacrificing his own life. Hence, the other two are able to activate their Megazord machines and destroy Megaheydronic Chromous. However, a new challenge awaits them as Dinoxyzatron gets back up, even stronger than before....
    Not a problem, good sir. :D

    I also would like to welcome you here, as it seems that you joined recently. But you look like you've gotten into the groove of things pretty nicely. :p
    But the black ranger rescued him!
    It seems Dinoxyzatron has been defeated..... but that's not the case......
    So it's still Opposite Day then? What if I decide to use my time machine to go into the future, live for 24 hours, and then come back to this time?
    But what do you define as a new day? I would say it must take at least 24 hours, in whichever timezone you are, be it day or night.
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