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  • It's fine!

    Well, there's probably still a reason you use those more often though right?

    Like, you use them better than others? Or you just like more of their designs maybe
    You're right actually, I've played DotA and League of Legends extensively and they were both very well balanced throughout. I was thinking more in terms of 1v1 games, though. Starcraft is the closest I've seen but it's not quite there.
    What makes you say that? (Batman's my favorite, though Spider-man is more of my little brother's thing. He got me into it though.)

    Good ^^;
    Well, "growing out of" things are usually just denial or loss of interest XD

    obviously something that hasn't happened to me or you.

    What are your favorites?

    (Also don't be shy to tell me if I'm getting annoying it anything like that. I don't mean to be ^^; )
    Well, it's a place to start for a topic ^^;

    Honestly though, I really really love superheroes of all types and thought it was cool that you seemed to like them too. ^^;
    .....You're right. I think I mixed something up ^^;

    That's embarassing...

    ...me mixing stuff up, not the multiple groups thing lol.

    So anyway...you like superheroes?
    We're in a couple of the same groups and I used to talk with Noivern some before I disappeared for a year and a half, I was checking in on him and saw your cute avatar :ksmile:

    Then I saw you comment on a blog I was checking out and figured why not.
    Making new friends is always cool!

    ((I've seen we share some interests, I dunno how to start convos anymore hELP ME)) ((cry))
    Yup, I tried it as well, though now I only frequent the YuGiOh threads...
    You mean you are allright with 90 days??

    Everyone else would like it to be shorter...
    I'm not 100 % sure it may just be a persistent rumor but I've heard it several times now and considering how the Dark Knight Rises ended and that it really doesn't fit into the JL universe I would imagine they would have to reboot just to have him in the JL movie.
    Nope a whole new movie because the Nolan Batman doesn't really fit with the JL. I agree it is too soon but remember that only Batman has been a real money maker for DC so of course they are going to reboot him as soon as they can. Yeah it was but I think they could have done better regardless of not having the joker. The story they had was just all over the place if someone had taken the time to actually read the script they could have fixed it and made it great.
    yeah again. They want to do the whole Avengers thing for the Justice League. it's coming out sometime in 2015 so that way they can have Batman in the JL movie. Oh I agree I liked Batman begins and the Dark Knight a lot but I thought the Dark Knight Rises was meh.
    well after superman returns it's hard not to have low expectations. That would be great if they did as good a job with MOS as they did with Batman begins. What do you think of them rebooting bat man?
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