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  • I'm glad to hear that you are feeling better. Really? That's a neat idea :p

    I'm also trying to chain fish for either Clauncher or Horsea or both (yeah right) and obviously I sucked :/ It would have been nice to breed a shiny Togepi. God! I hate how rare these shinies are. I reaaaallly want a shiny. I feel left out. People are finding them left and right :(

    Oh, well I can't say I like any of these shinies :/ I slayed that reg Gayarados back then. I did not realize its importance until recently. BUt, I have always disliked Gyarados so I have no regrets :p Yeah, I still have to get that Haxorus..I'm too lazy to see all the pokemon of Unova though. I have also heard that you can get a shiny Dratini in white2 s part of the story.
    Yeah, well we have economic issues, but again all countries in Europe are similarly having problems due to the economic crisis that befell the world. Oh, I hope that you will get to travel soon. Traveling is amazing (obviously) you get to meet new people and to witness new cultures..etc

    It was soooooooo annoying. And now that I have caught it, I can't wait to trade it away for a decent shiny. I like Moltres, but the 3D model is not doing it any justice.
    Oh, poor you. Extreme weather changes are horrible sometimes. I hope that you will feel better soon. Contrary to you, I can't handle the hot weather. I even think that I have an allergy from sunlight lol (if such an allergy exists). My whole body become itchy >>
    What were you trying to hatch? I have hatched about 25 eggs. People told me that sometimes you have to hatch about 100 + eggs!! I'm so quiting. What shinies have you got from previous games?

    Well, since you love traveling, I totally recommend it!! you will really like it :)
    Issues? of what kind?

    :D Ok, I will tell my friend so he can contact her directly. Thanks :)

    I finally managed to get my Moltres, after 11 damn encounters.
    Oh, I see. Hope you feel better soon. I think that I'm getting cold too :(

    A whole year?! I tried chain fishing yesterday and I gave up after the 17th time! I have no patience. Speaking of shinies, could you please check on tumblr is someone is willing to trade shinies for legendaries. I could live without my Moltres. I want a shiny. Everyone has one. I feel so left out :(

    Around the world in 80 will always be one of my most favorite books ever!! I have read it like 5 times hahaha
    Well, Cyprus is interesting. A little Island in southern Europe. We have great weather, nice food and amazing people :D
    Thank you. Now thanks to you I have 15 patterns!!! Can't wait to have the last 3!!!
    Oh by the way, my friend also need archipelago could you ask the person who provided archipelago if they can provide an other one? I'll ask my friend what he can offer, but he has a huge amount of pokemon so I think he'll be good :p
    Sorry about the game chat thing :/

    Oh, I know about that. I have actually heard that a guy soft resetted his game 2000+ to get Shuny Lugia and he ultimately got it -____-

    I see. That''s nice. I have always been fascinated by our multicultural planet. Ever since I was a kid, I waned to see the whole world :D
    And so sorry about the nicknamed Vivillon :/
    Thank you so muuuuuuuuch for your help. I am really grateful. You have been so nice to me. Could you tell me what does the guy with the sun Vivi want so I can have it ready? or what do you want if he wants jungle?
    Perfect!!! You are amazing :D I'm online now. Yuppyyy Vivis!!!

    Excuse me for my dumbness, but what is Sring? :p At least you caught a shiny! I have never ever encountered a shiny before.

    I have always been enchanted by these countries. I have an undying passion for Japan especially. Hahah I am surprised you even know what Cyprus is :p
    Hahahaha well fair enough :p but, if you happen to catch a lot..I'd be happy to get them :p Yeah, when you want something, it instantly becomes so hard to get :(
    Singapore? Wow that's really so cool. I have always wanted to visit these exotic countries of Asia. Cyprus :p
    You are amazing!!! Thanks!!! if you wanna give me more than 4, I wouldn't mind :p
    Yeah, exactly. Btw, if I may ask, where are you from?
    Thank you soooo much. By the way, if you are catching scatterbugs now...can I have 4-5? or will this be a strech? I can give you 2 marines and eevees :D
    And I'm online now :)
    i have always liked the original version of any media. I never watch American shows dubbed for example. The only thing dubbed that I actually enjoy is disney movies :D
    Good morning :D

    Ah yes great :)

    Btw, I need a favor from you, could you please trade with me 2 jungle scatterbugs please?

    When can you we trade?

    Yes, games are a different matter. It would be hard to play them in Japanese :p
    Oh, of course. Fair enough :D

    Yeah, I totally understand. When it comes to anime and manga I am used to the Japanese version. I never watch dub lol

    Yeah, but from the looks of it things are getting even worse. So much wars so much hatred. Sadly.

    Great!! Thanks. And tomorrow is fine. Wait? you just said that you do not want to trade your mega Aggron. I'm confused. And gotta get your Lairon ready :D
    Oh, I see. Well, if you want I can trade you something for your Aggron mega stone? I would love to try out Mega Aggron.

    I always call stuff by their original Japanese names. Anime and manga stuff. It is just cooler :p

    That is a smart idea. But, I would never reset a game lol hahah lucky you. I can't wait to get sun and archipelago!!!

    That is so depressing to hear :( Some governments are just....... They think that everything is a conspiracy against them :(
    Perfect then Larion it is. I actually find it pretty dumb that they place the pokemon in one version and the mega stones in the other. It was ok when we had to trade pokemon, but items? !! that's derpy.
    Oh, I'm sorry. I am more familiar with the Japanese names ( love them more as well) so I randomly tend to switch between Eng and Jap lol. I meant Tyranitar and Aggron. I like Mega Aggron, but Tyranitar no so much.

    Yeah, if I get sun and archipelago then I will be missing only the monsoon and sandstorm :) I know. I'm willing to give X exlusive mega stones. Namely the heracross one. ( That thing is derpy as hell).

    I am sure there are other countries too :/ Who would ban youtube? that seems way over the top. Really? completely? How do people live there?! o_O
    Oh and if you do not like Mega Bossgodora, I can trade you me Bangirasite for your Bossgodorite. I hate mega Bangiras :(

    You are so kind!!! Well, I have a spare Lairon..I could give you that so you can mega evolve him :) Just tell me if you want a specific nickname and gender.
    I got Savannah!! A friend of mine gave it to me :D 4 more to go!!! and and Articuno and Yveltal . XD

    Really? I have heard about countries having restriction on Facebook and even YOUTUBE!!!!!!
    Lol so I'm officially old XDD But in all honesty, I think that older is better. Older is wiser :p ( except for when the adult are being babies lol).

    Oh, I see. Yaaay sun. My second favorite of the those I'm missing. I feel bad for putting you through all this trouble :( Btw, which version are you playing?

    Yeah. in fact, a lot of parts are disconnected. It is depressing, because it feels like the world is divided into planets and not to regions.
    Haha young is good. You make mr feel old though :p

    I honestly do not know what happened. But I have sent like 3 times. I have no idea as to why she is not getting my messages. If I may ask, can't dhe offer sandstorm? ( assuming we are talking about the one that I contacted). Yay, I will make sure yo find meaningful things ti give you in return :)

    Yeah :( it was mean on GFs part. People there for mist part can't afford luxuries. It is so frustrating.
    Oh, explains what? :) Oh, you've got a long way ahead of you :p

    Hmm that's weird. I sent her again, but still with no avail >> By the way, what did the people, who said ok for Savannah and Archipelago want in return? So I can have it ready.

    Yeah, it really seems that Monsoon is the rarest. I think that only Taiwan gets it!! Yeah, i would never delete a saved file ever.

    I have never played any game from Gen III >> My first game was Pearl :p
    You guys are lucky. I now have a 10 days uni break so I will finally be able to relax a bit :)

    But I am sure I sent them :( I even sent my FC. Could you tell them that I already prepared a nicknamed male marine Vivi?
    Really? Omg thats great. you are amazing I can't wait to have all patterns. Crosses finger for monsoon next.

    The frog is now officially my second starter ever. Tsutarja being the first of course :p
    Thanks :d
    It seems that you system is really different from Europe's and the Us system. So when does the school year start for you? January?

    Hopefully!! Thanks :)

    I wanted all 3 to tell you the truth. But, I liked the frog more so I started with the Frog and got the other 2 afterwards. By choosing the frog you end up encountering Moltres. Had I known this I would have chosen Chespin.

    May I ask you yet an other favor? I have a Kerablas and a shelmt that I really wanna evolve. Can you help me trade them? And I also wanna help evolving my Haunter :p so if you can please let me know :p
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