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  • Subway's definitely better than McDonald's though I'd say Whataburger beats both of them.

    I guess my mom being a doctor has made me more comfortable with accepting medication. Which I suppose is a good thing.

    Yeah, it's just a bit ridiculous if they are able to do so but choose not to.
    Aw, that sucks. Still, there's usually something decent to have no matter how terrible the rest of it is.

    I agree. Obviously medication is something to have a certain amount of caution about, but it's only been helpful to me.

    Well, it's good that you recognized it as being unhealthy and cut it out. Some people aren't able to do so.
    Maybe. Schools have to take the funding they can get, after all.

    Yeah, I've always been a proponent of medication where necessary. Maybe I'm desensitized because my mother's a doctor, but I've never understood the hysteria.

    That's always good. Never good when just interacting with someone irritates you.
    No need to thank me.

    Yeah, it wouldn't be so bad if there were at least more options :/

    My problems mainly center around my ADHD, which I also take medication for.

    That's probably wise. I don't have many people on either of my Facebooks, and rarely interact with people on them anyway.
    Yeah, you can do it! *shakes pom-poms*

    The chicken here varies in quality... sometimes it's really good but often it's just awful.

    Yeah, it's hard to buckle down and focus, but I always managed it somehow.

    I don't really use Twitter anymore. I stick to Tumblr or Bulba, and occasionally Facebook. That's where most of my internet travels take me.
    Well, at least it'll only be a bit longer, at least for now.

    Yeah, the cookies are pretty good as well. Burgers aren't bad per se, either.

    It was certainly a better choice for me. I'm sure it would be for others as well.

    Yeah, Livejournal isn't as big as it used to be. Tumblr and Twitter have basically replaced it. Even use Tumblr much more than I even blog here. Though I've been blogging here more lately.
    How long do you have to be on it?

    Everything about it was strange :/ I just like the school hot dogs, and that's it.

    It was jarring and uncomfortable, and it didn't do anything good for me :/

    I never got into Livejournal... before Tumblr the only blogging I did was on here. But you're right, it is very therapeutic.
    Ah, I've been on those before. Not fun. Still, you get what sleep you can.

    Yeeeaaah, school pizza sucks. Not good at all. Cafeteria food is a daily struggle for me :p

    The transition is one of the reasons sixth grade was so bad for me.

    I go on it every day. I tend to reblog stuff from shows and things I like, and blog about politics or my writing.
    I tend to have one most of the day, though I take medicine if it gets too bad. It's definitely not helped by not getting much sleep, which is why I try not to stay up too late.

    Pizza and I go waaaaay back.

    I tend to struggle with transition years, and so I think community college will be a good buffer in that way.

    Tumblr's a pretty fun site, so it's certainly worth checking out :p
    Yeah, I get the same feeling. But then I get headaches a lot, so that's a common issue for me.

    I feel that way about pizza. Took my first steps to get seconds of pizza an' everything.

    Yeah, I've heard that. I think in the end it'll be the best course I could've taken.

    Forgot to answer your question earlier: you don't need a Tumblr to view the pictures (the ones I've put up already are in the "zack writes a novel" tag of my blog, which I've set a link to from my sidebar), but you would need one to like or reblog them.
    Yeah, I certainly do keep hydrated. Drink water round the clock. I get anxious if I haven't had any water in a while ^^;

    I don't know what it is about seafood but I just can't eat it :/ never could. Still, the rest of the food (including the snacks) was great, so no worries.

    I have to do community college because of the way my high school courses turned out but I think it's for the best anyway. Less financial burden, for one. But I do hope to get into TSU; they have a great zoology program and they aren't as huge or expensive as someplace like UT or A&M.
    I got dehydrated once when I was younger, and it was such a miserable experience that I've made sure to stay hydrated constantly ever since.

    I don't mind getting up close. As long as you know what you're doing most any animal can be safely approached.

    I was excited about getting to visit the Pokemon Center :D I have pictures of me standing in front of it like it's some famous monument, hahaha. The food was good, although I don't eat seafood so that cut out a lot of cuisine options. Still, they had noodles, beef, and chicken, so I was fine.

    Yeah, I don't have much practical need for a license atm, but I probably will before I start university, even if I don't for community college. I'm planning on going to go to uni in San Marcos, so driving would be convenient.
    I'm not very varied in what I drink. I drink water almost exclusively, and when it's not water it's either Gatorade, Sprite, or chocolate milk.

    Yeah, I'd like to observe animals in their natural habitats and take censi and that sort of thing. More hands-off stuff.

    I visited Harajuku, though I wasn't too wowed by it both because I'm not very into fashion and because a lot of the decor just looked like stuff you'd see in downtown Austin. Still pretty neat.

    I still don't have my driver's license, to my parents' chagrin. I'll probably have to get it soon, though, for college.
    It's one of those things where I can see why people would like it, but I can't bring myself to.

    I'll certainly see what my options are. I'm more interested in behavior than anatomy anyway.

    Stuffed crust rules, yo. I went to Tokyo in March of 2011. I also visited Fuji and surrounding areas.

    Well, that's reasonable enough. I don't understand taxes all that well myself, but then that's why accountants are so successful :p
    That's reasonable. I've tried little tastes here and there, but luckily I don't like the taste of anything alcoholic, so I'll have no problems.

    Yeah, my worry is that I might actually have to do the dissections in college. Not looking forward to that :p

    I can't draw people at all, but I can draw maps and flags, which is useful for worldbuilding for my novel. I'm working on uploading my maps to Tumblr for people to see.

    I prefer plain pizza as well, preferably with stuffed crust :p I like genuine Italian-style pizza best although that's hard to come by. Closest I ever got was at a pizzeria in Japan, of all places.

    Yeah, it's a long process when you're older. Even more so if you don't have an accountant.
    I know how you feel, but at the same time it kind of makes me feel more secure in my decision just not to try it, as callous as that may sound.

    Yeah, I'm not at all squeamish about it, but I just am too fond of animals to harm them ^^;

    I only started writing fanfiction again last month, though. I've generally been focusing on my original work. Got a whole tag on my Tumblr and everything :p

    Oh, yeah, we have one of those in Austin. Never been there, but I've heard good things. I love brownie bites, but I have to work to ration myself :p

    Yeah, the real taxes are still a ways off, hahaha.
    Even so, it can be painful to learn of a family member's passing. I've certainly been there.

    Well, we have question sheets to fill out, and the instructions we receive can usually complete those, so the teacher doesn't mind. It's not like I don't know the anatomy.

    I uploaded a chapter there last month, I think, and that was my most recent activity in like three years.

    I actually prefer Mangieri's, which is a little pizza place nearby, but they were closed today, so Little Caesar's it was. Even then it's great pizza so I can't complain. My favorite dessert is probably brownie bites. Can't get enough of them. Actually just got back from the store to buy some :3

    Well, I mean, really it was just my tax returns, since my taxes were done automatically while I had my job. Just had to go through some motions on Turbotax.
    I still had the forums, so even though I still don't socialize much IRL I'd say I'm pretty well-adjusted.

    I'm sorry to hear that :( Losing a loved one is always hard.

    It's not too hard, although I can't do the dissections. I love animals too much to bring a knife to them, even dead ones.

    I think my FF was "Laboon's Wrath" or something... that was when I was way, way into One Piece, even more than I am now.

    I've never been fond of cheesecake, but it's good to get to eat something you love. I got some Little Caesar's today, so I get how you feel :p I've been writing and doing homework, mostly. And browsing the forums and Tumblr, of course. Did my taxes about an hour ago, as well.
    Yeah, high school has been a smooth experience for the most part. Not perfect, but better than I imagine middle school being.

    My grandfather died relatively young of complications related to his smoking and drinking habits, and that's what really sealed the deal for me. I've resolved to never even try it.

    I have, and I'm glad for it :) I'm knowledgeable enough that I often end up teaching my aquatic science class as much as the actual teacher :p

    I have an FF.net account. I put some of my fanfiction up there a long time ago, mostly now-abandoned projects. I put them on here, as well. That sounds like a great idea for a book; I hope you can manage it :)

    Anyway, have you had a good day? You seem rather chipper, so hopefully everything's been good for you!
    It's the whole entering puberty and growing pains and trying to start acting adult, I guess. I guess early adolescence is something of a crucible in that respect. Rather glad I did not partake.

    Yeah, I don't drink or smoke or do anything like that, and I do not plan to do so ever. My family has a history of addiction problems and I want to avoid that. Of course, I try not to judge people who do enjoy those things, cuz not everyone's like me.

    It's a great city! I only lived in California for five years but I still have very nice memories, like going in a submarine in the kelp forests.

    Well, I'm working on a novel right now but I've also written fanfiction in my time. I hadn't for a long time but I recently started writing fanfiction again, both with a new One Piece/Pokemon crossover and a revival of one of my old fics on here, which I'm still working on.
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