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  • Well strawberry season ended >.< I really wanna make something strong like orange.. :eek:
    When referring to Pooh the right term is Hunny :p
    Awww :c Tho witch is a classic :p

    NPC Isabelle xD She's jut too cute. And villager Maple xD Yours? :3

    Nope :p they are just cute imo. Reeeeeeeeally cute!
    I am a bit confused xD But I get the general idea heh. I guess that's the point, so people feel the need to buy them :c
    Imma make a stevia cake qwq
    I am sure honey is better :eek: But tbh I love honey hehe. It's my loyal mate when I am having throat problems :p

    I see o.oSo just a ' in the middle, I can remember it! Do you do something? :eek: I mean I know you aren't gonna go for candies (not that it's bad btw) but maybe go to a Halloween party or something :eek:

    Really? That's weird again :O
    And geez >.< You didn't have to go through the hassle of looking for the spanish names. But I appreciate it ^^
    Wow you got some cool npcs besides the usual villagers ^^

    EH? O.O Not a home? That's.. Uhhh, so where do you put your stuff and such?
    I'd love the Nook kids honestly xD I have a love/hate relationship with Resetti. So what are the Rock Paper Scissor things for? >.< I am confused.
    o.o So you eat the natural ones? I mean the ones that aren't sweetener and have no sugar? OMG YOU ARE A GENIUS... It's been so long since I used honey to sweeten my cereal or whatever I have.

    Let's send the idea to GF! :D
    I hope it's nothing too bad >.< Let me know eh?
    Both work :O Tho I like the first one the most hue hue. I mean we are getting close to Halloween right? :p

    Unfortunately not yet >.< I am waiting to check if I can buy it and not ruin my saving for my treatment xD It's been months since I didn't buy a single game, the last one was Devil Survivor 2 like 4 or months ago. How they didn't send it? :c Maaan that sucks. So noone is gonna scold us?? I feel happy and sad at the same time..
    omg xD I get that nostalgia feeling.
    >.< Sorry I barely recognize them for their english name. I only get Isabelle, Digby and Octavian.
    How's the game so far btw? :eek: Is it good?

    o_O I am sure there should be.. Did it come wrong maybe?
    I am amazed you don't even put sweetener xD Tough Red!

    o.o... then it should be ice tail! Theres's aqua tail so wynaut? :p
    Even if it isn't fun better than paying technical service >.< and they will really clean! my mobile phone's earphone slot got busted a long time ago yet I don't go to repair it yet .w.
    Fashionable or scary? :O cuz glalie got scarier.
    I admit I am too much into sweets >.< Oh no, I meant drinking the juice with any sweetener! I do have orange juice on season, I drink it with strawberry or lemon too! :D

    Oh true D; He doesn't have any! Poor thing, it's like a wooper! So it can ice punch you! Ughh I hate when my hands ge sweaty too >.< Specially when playing games.
    You will use her when she gets a mega >w< )/
    Nyaay >w< I bet they still taste really good! Hmm.. .w. I guess that's a good question.. I-I-It's not like I do it--- .w.; Okay I do, some fruits are sweet while other not, for example I won't drink natural natural orange juice.

    It's fault of the both of you, now hold hands but Bulbapedia please :p I guess they can.. I mean for example froslass arms come out of her head, there are weird things like that.
    omg xDDD
    No I meant.. use sweetener to sweeten the juice instead of white sugar (the one that comes from sugar cane). >.< I must have spelled that terribly my bad.
    I don't think so :eek: but I know it have way less calories and healthy, if you use stevia at least. The thing with sweetener is the amount of things it has.. /:

    o_O wait.. Isn't Hel related to the underworld..? I thought Zygarde was the balance between life and death. Tho maybe they mean it being in half. Like Hel having a part of life (the upper body) and death (her lower half) but Zygarde being both arms. You seriously threw me out with that :eek:
    Woooow :O maaaan you are right, just give it a cape!
    Do they? o.o What about using swetener for the juice? I mean to prevent the processed sugar.

    I am betting it will be 700 then, I don't think it can be stronger as the God of pokemon right? :eek: That's true.. You are right there. I just wanna know what's that robonoid thing.
    So they aren't the same formula :eek: I was curious about it since someone mentioned it a while ago. Doing it yourself is supppper cool too :D Throw a bunch of fruits in mixer and get beaten by all the vitamins!

    Pfft Dogarde xD it makes sense. Thing is if 10 is the snake and has those stats.. wouldnt it make 100% wayy more strong? But that's my thought anyways xD ohh my a basilisk would be awesome! Nlw that mention it, Zygarde evolving into a full dragon would be really amazing (so the dragon typing makes more sense). Tho your tranfomation makes sense too :eek: I really wanna find out what GF was emulating with Zygarde.
    There's something called fruit punch or something like that, are they the same? :O
    Awww that's so sweet of you ^^ Do yo know if he still has it?

    It looks too much like a dog :/ That's kinda out of place, none of the dog pokémon look similar. Maybe houndoom but still :eek:
    I heard of him tho never had the chance to see anything of him >.< Does he specialize in animales?

    Those are classics too qwq )/My friend had one, tho he never wanted to sell it to me xD

    Did I ask you about Zygarde yet? D;
    Gorillas are said to be really peaceful besides their menacing appearences :eek: Nothing like the Planet of the Apes!
    Silk skin :p

    What about guarana antartica or grape, passionfruit fanta? Do you have them?
    .w.; I am not sure. Wait o.o Where did you find them?? :eek: I mean the cased consoles.
    What on earth is that?? Lion? :eek:
    Mud? o.o I heard it's really relaxing~ Or fun xD

    I am sorry to know that >.< I hope they make something like that again. So hazelnut wins this time! o/
    It depends on the country I bet, some may be able to produce themselves while other share. Tho that's a good question :eek:
    *looks up* Ohhhh those things! I remember the times where the catridge fell and opened in half and you looked at the core, that green thing.. amazed at how the game was contained there qwq )/ Good old times.
    I am gonna ask, tho I admire them for remembering xD I mean I barely remember streets and some terms that aren't half as long and complex.
    Killed me xD Reminded me of those cartoons where the chatracters runs like hell to warm/cool themselves. The warmth should last some time tho >.< Like when you get outta the hot, all your body is warmy. What other stuff do spas have?

    o_O 200 is too much, I don't think that's even possible.. Ohh which one would you like to vote? :eek: Something craaaaazy and novelty :p
    Ohhh, so those thigns can make things taste diferent. Imma ask someone who lived in Canada and now resides in USA, maybe they are diferent between them too. Those things really excite me >w<)/ Tasting diferent things!
    Wait.. Games that have mercury?? That sounds toxic or dangerous. It's a shame you can't get those games tho :c
    We will never understand scientist qwq Tho as long as they don't have long and complex names I will have a hard time remembering I am fine (like some species scientific names, or famillies) xD.
    Eh? o.o Isn't that good? I mean going to a sauna when it's cold. You come out all warm and relaxed -w-

    I hate when there are so many brands we don't get here D; I barely know the ones you mention. The wonders of living in a third world country xD;
    Hmm, now that you mention that a friend told me something similar I just don't remember exactly the product, but I bet so. Maybe the coca cola or pepsi will taste diferent!! O: #Mindblow
    They are that strict huh? :/ is there something you ever wanted to eat but you don't have in your country?
    omg xD That's really bad, I fear for science future like that.
    Imagine how warm that must be -w- Have you ever been to a sauna?

    HumbuggedxDXDD you win everything! Jelly babies makes me think of Jellicents qwq, tho they are really cute (even if I preferthe traditional gummy bears, they were my childhood!).
    Wow xD I didn't know that! Intersting info o.o. Unfortunately it's a silly but valid reason since it affects the money they make. Still, what if people prefer the british ones? It must be for a reason no? Oh :c Now you have the reason, I bet the other ones were better. Oh well, I am noting that .w.
    This weekend was the eating time! xD I had chocolate and another reaaaaaaally sweet one.
    Amazing ^^)/

    It's weird they are called pandas then but eh o.o Is that pic of the racoon or the panda? I'd swear I see a raccoon.
    So the name is a cruel trap? o.o; That'd make sense if you want to start a war or something! Lead them and make them freeze! :eek:

    True xD learning it is harder everytime. Aww :c I wonder why.
    hum--- BUGS.. Please tell me it doesn't have bugs or anything with peppermints. But seriously I never heard of it, do you like it? Awww I was gonna make a similar question, you no fun Reddy .w. . Sherbet.. It isn't that thing that makes pop sounds when you eat it? It is like a powder.

    Good luck :D

    How's life been going? ^^
    Woooot congrats c: What didja get?

    Red pandas? o_O I didn't know such thing existed.. But wow buncha cool animals ^^. I read it was from the Conquerors time, something about them thinking the land was on fire or somethin' when they were approaching it, see the place is really icy and cold so the natives set giant fires to help them stay warm and from afar looked like that.. I forgot >o<; I have to check on that.

    I think english is one of the languages with the most amount of total words, maaan I wonder how some people remember them. I know my answer is silly but it's weird you don't have it, I mean.. Euro.. y'know. Or is it a paid one?
    Really now? :O Oh well I didn't find the name anyways :p Indeed, languages especially. Tho.. Uhh I wanna ask a silly thing. I remember watching in the Simpsons and they said British sweets were well.. Much sweeter. Do you know by chance if this has some truth to it? :eek:

    I watched some internet tutotial where people painted consoles with spray o:
    That sucks :c How was the splatfest btw? ^^

    Oh true .w. I don't have BBC stuff here, I should watch more Animal Channel.. I used to watch this show the most ferocious animals or something. I forgot the name.. Does the zoo have a lot of cool animals and stuff? :3
    west coast? .3. ? Where would that be? Maybe Fire Land?

    I see o.o I didn't know the pissed thing, maaaaan I am gonna use that a lot in the UK >:3 I like fish and chips too~ I remember watching this cool short film on Eurochannel (when it was in the basic cost of thw signal >.>; ) about a guy who was going to visit a foreign country that kinda treated the subject of how as some societies advance they change and forget their culture in favor of modernism. I am going to check for it and send you a link if you'd like?
    I seriously loved the short films that aired on that channel, it's amazing the creativity some people has, and it shows you dont need a millonaire budget to do something interesting with meaning.
    That sounded kinky.. I better drop the subject xD
    Well it's definitely easier to make 3ds than WiiUs. :eek:
    Maybe you can try to paint it yourself? I am sure it's possible.

    I have my methods of getting info :p
    Now they will change everything? O:!!! But tbh I prefer a same english for all games, what's with changing names and items and such. People play with other people from all over the world .w. Okay enough rant >~<
    You are a Queen! bows -w- )/ See? They are changing stuff.. FIX THE HATS NINTENDO D:<

    ...... o.o You know a lot about penguins do you? Have you ever seen one? (as in zoos and stuff). Yaaay c: Piplup is my fav too!

    Ah :c I am not sure on how many diferences there are comparing between both english, as far as I know pronunciations and some words (my example of always is color/colour 'xD) tho it's a shame people it's losing it's language like that.. It may not seem like the big deal to some but it's a cultural trait. Like Argentinians start speaking spain or mexican spanish. Oh! Nope there aren't o:
    It was told in an interview that it was because after market study they thought it was best (considering sales and such).
    *clicks spoiler* MY EYES!!!!!!! Too.. Too colorful.. I am exaggerating but seriously it kinda shocked me but it's cool xD Weird to use a WiiU game for theme of the new 3ds. Popularity.

    Everyone loves spanish accent pls :p Maybe it can! I will research o:
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