Shiny Shinx
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  • Damn :U that's a scam!


    Are you afraid they might steal it from you? :c I get that..

    RNG is a bitch xD; I don't usually work that hard for legendaries since I don't use them but I feel that since I breed a lot. .w. I get the best trollings.

    Leggo Battles .... huhhhh >~< 3ds?
    I am glad >.< Keep it up~!

    Cable doesn't mean Cartoon Network tho? :eek:


    Maybe ask in the Cloning section? I am sure someone might help you out!

    Ughh :c It happens a lot, for almost perfect legends it's needed a lot of patience since it's a trying battle. If you can't get it take a break. Frustration isn't good :c
    Awww dear :c How are you now?

    My cousins were fan of them so something I had to stick with them and watch xDD They had action figures and such of them too. And four arms was big red one :p Even if it was overused I always chuckles at how the watch trolled Ben xDDD It's silly but eh.

    PLAY ROUGH BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hmm that sounds like a predicament :c Why not clone it? You will have both then, unless you are against cloning..
    omg what's wrong? :c I mean, what happened exactly? *hugs*
    Me? Been fine, saving to get some medical fixes xD Nothing too bad.

    Black scarf please -w-

    omg xDDD Makes sense! Let me know which one was it, I got stuck in the original ones, you know.. Four arms and stuff :p

    Hey I'm pretty good. Yeah, I do a wear a lot of different hats around the site (probably because I have too much free time lol). Maybe one day I'll have a Venusaur, that's up to the big guys though haha.
    Hang in there Shinxy!

    I find it the opposite myself. But very nice! :D

    Oh nope. o.o
    A shiny palette for minccino? :p

    Breeding is less boring for me xD I mean it's always the same pattern, unlike the Ev training, I hate mixed poked xD Since I have to go to several places to train them and be really careful of not giving it a wrong number.

    Oh :c Now that you mention that, I hope there's a way to save the progress and such. I know you can keep the progress file of some games but I am sure this one is gonna need online, and I am not sure how that works. I heard services providers can be a pain there. Well here too for the record xD

    Yeah xD Save Zygarde 3d model qwq)/

    XDXDXDDDD It's so cute >w< Really weird for a dragon tho, fluuuuuuuuuuuffffyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
    Sorry :c I come and go. Tho I always come back, like you c:

    You have 721 shinies to think :p Sounds crazy, think you can do it? hehehe.

    I should train more myself, I have a box of pokes that need to be trained but I don't want to -w- Never happened to you?

    Oh congrats c: Did you win any other event in the meantime too? Ohh and what do you think of pokémon GO? Do you think it will be cool?

    OMG SAME HERE XD Tho for me they are Zygarde blob, Zygarde demi-solosis, Zygarde Resident Evil dog and Zygarde Autobot. >.>; they aren't that cool. Which one did you like the most?
    Thanks for the tip. I noticed it wasn't working for a while, but I'm usually on my phone so I can't really fix it. I did now, and updated it as well.
    Probably. :p

    Online school right?

    ...Why not breed for egg moves first, then IVs?
    Hehe, I know I'm usually on for quick trades.

    It's a popular cartoon about gems, and this half gem boy named Steven. :)

    I can't even imagine what that would look like. xD
    Wow you got the idea just like that o: You must be a super human shinxy! But the idea of combining diferent evolutive shiny palettes is as crazy as cool xD You can do it if you ever hack a game.

    Oh :c I am glad he was though. My dad kinda is, our "courtyard" is just a warehouse .w.

    Wait, you want to play level 100 battles? Let me know because I barely level up my mons to level 100 :eek: I don't see the use for it, tho my favorite ones are at that level. Like Heracross, cinccino, gardevoir..

    Wooooot keep it up! When does it finish?
    Oh :eek: What was that for? And geez man xD Shinies are hard enough (well not as much now), want to kill us more? xD But seriously I like the zubat one, since it's a combination of crobat and zubat shiny palettes!

    Yep xD Wish me luck when I am cleaning the kitchen.. *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM*

    Sorry I had to leave, but I will be available on the weekend, not tomorrow since I have work at night >.<

    20.000? Wow :O And every day more people play that game, it's gonna be really hard. Best of lucks eh? :D
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