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  • Using the new mon on Showdown cause I don't have the cash for Moon, and getting spoiled left and right by people on Youtube.
    Timeline stuff (I'll expand on it in a comment since there's a character limit on these initial posts)
    Maybe I'm getting too tricky for my own good here, but I suppose there's no reason why we even have to take a holistic view of the events of the games. I think it's possible (not necessarily likely, mind you, as I doubt that GF care this much) that, much like how we assume that the space we see in the Pokémon world is compressed (as in, surely these houses all have more than one or two rooms?), time could be similarly compressed. We don't know how long the protagonists' adventures take, nor how much time passes in between certain events.

    With regard to XY/ORAS, what if they intersect as follows (">" will be used to denote events in ORAS, while "<" will be used to denote events in XY):

    > The main storyline of ORAS takes place.
    < Around the time of the Groudon/Kyogre crisis, Calem/Serena arrive in Kalos and begin their adventure.
    > Brendan/May witness the formation of Mr. Bonding, who leaves to go to Kalos.
    < While Brendan/May are challenging the League, Calem/Serena are receiving their Starters, and meet Mr. Bonding near Versant Road shortly after that.
    > Brendan/May go through the events of the Delta Episode; Steven leaves Hoenn after a little while and travels to Kalos.
    < Calem/Serena deal with Team Flare as they go through the Parfum Palace, Ambrette, Cyllage, and Geosenge, and when they arrive in Shalour, Tierno meets Steven (it is heavily implied in XY that Tierno's Intriguing Stone was a recent gift from Steven).
    > Brendan/May mostly spend time training for a while, or doing Secret Bases or Contests or whatever - this is where I'm inserting a break, because if Looker doesn't wash up on the Resort until after the Looker Bureau, then a lot of time has to pass in Hoenn while Calem/Serena finish up the main story of XY.
    < Looker leaves Kalos after the events of the Looker Bureau, and his boat crashes and he winds up at the Battle Resort. Right at that moment, Brendan/May arrive and meet him.

    And, this could even be done to make some sense of the "Why are there examples of Sycamore's "Why are there examples of Mega Evolution only in Kalos?" line. Prof. Cozmo does say that he'll send his findings to "a friend in the Kalos region" (implicitly Sycamore), but that's not until after the Delta Episode, and Cozmo specifically mentions that it has been some time since he last saw Brendan/May (which would have been during the Delta Episode). Maaaaaybe Brendan/May didn't revisit Cozmo in Fallarbor until a month or two after the Delta Episode, and in that time is when Calem/Serena completed the main story of XY. So, it wouldn't be until *after* the events of XY that Sycamore receives Cozmo's data on Hoenn's Mega Stones.
    That all sounds like a good plausible theory! You seem to have put a lot of thought into it!

    Idk if GF cares that much either, but I have to wonder how they think everything plays out. Maybe they don't even all agree on the timeline!
    Playing Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon and Pokemon Yellow
    Is Yellow on the VC, or is it the real GB cartridge?
    VC. First thing that got me interested was the transferring to Sun&Moon, and especially using the Mew glitch to get a Mew in there, so I'm gearing up for that.
    I'll join the bandwagon and compliment your username! And I'll go a step further and mention your avatar too!
    Time Breaker
    Time Breaker
    Thanks as well! My name comes from a Dragon Ball video game, so I can't take credit for the idea.
    Wait does it have to do with that Black Goku dude I've been hearing about?
    Time Breaker
    Time Breaker
    No, it's originally from Dragon Ball Online, but it's been more recently used in Dragon Ball Xenoverse, though they don't actually mention it explicitly.
    Goku Black, Black Goku, or just Black, is from Dragon Ball Super, which is the currently ongoing anime series that started in July of last year. So yeah, if that wasn't rambly.
    Thanks for the compliment on my name, yours is nice too (gives me the feeling you might like eggs, not sure why)

    Enjoy the forums, they can be quite fun. (I'm a bad example because I'm quite inactive lately, maybe I should change that)
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    Reactions: Eggseggseggseggs
    Thanks! Heh, it's more like I like Alola Exeggutor (though I do also really like myself a tasty egg so maybe it's a little of both).
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