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  • The new episode of Pokémon sun and moon ep 33 reminds me of Ash Oshowatt vs Palpitoad

    Ash Oshowatt finally masters Aqua jet against the strongest leader

    Lanna popplio learn aqua jet against the strongest leader

    Both did do some fishing in the episode
    Sorry for the bit of spoilers on episode two there. I would have preferred if they introduced things more gradually too. It felt like they were throwing in everything they could in the hopes that something would stick. Exposition isn't necessarily bad, but when it isn't interesting, I don't have much investment in the characters and it takes 90% of an episode, it can be a problem.
    Admittedly, the second episode was better, if only because more stuff was happening instead of more exposition, but I still have problems with the lack of world building, the little characterization presented and jumping right into life threatening duels. I also have mixed feelings on the inclusion of Speed Duels and the Skill mechanic from Duel Links.
    Yeah, I can definitely get that impression too. There was so much exposition within the first episode that it was kind of overwhelming. And yet they didn't bother to explain how Link Vrains works or why it's bad that it could be destroyed. It was like too much and too little was going on at the same time. It did not leave a good first impression on me.
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    Yeah, I'll watch Vrains. The little we know about it sounds promising/interesting aside from Link summoning, but that is due to the impact it has on the game itself. I love Arc V immensely and that isn't going to change anytime soon, but I hope that Vrains turns out fine too. I want to give it a chance, I hope that I like it at least a bit and I don't want people to think I didn't just because I love Arc V so much.
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