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  • When I do resume the Anime Remix Project, I'll probably jump right to Unova, since I'm burned out on Shinou atm...
    I see.
    This remix will also connect to Stars of the Indigo Stage--they get to see the Melody Revue perform while in Nimbasa (their all girl take on "The Three Musketeers", which in turn was based on a script the Trio performed)
    So I wasn't too far off from predicting the new professor's name (Cerise vs. Cherry), but I'll still call the new co-star Chris. Waiting to see what the new girl will be named before I decide whether to keep her Kimberly or use the new name.
    Why stop with just the Tower of Darkness and Tower of Water? What if there were more elemental towers on the Isle of Armor?
    When the DP remix does resume, the League will be sped up, and Tobias will have all normal Pokémon--no Legendaries!
    Nice. Also, what do you mean the league will be sped up?
    Some of the battles will be taken out or occur offscreen (since Barry is reshuffled to Dawn's rival, he has no reason to be in the League. Nando is now a mentor and friendly rival to Brock, so he is occupied with the Grand Fantasy Stage, not battling Ash)
    I see.
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    Reactions: Greninjaman
    Looks like it's very balanced.
    Thanks--this is usually my strategy in a Pokemon game--get the most balanced team I can from the get go. I don't bother with stats and natures because I mainly play for the story, so I make do with what I get.
    I got 3/6 of my team members via wonder trading early game, so I ended with a Rillaboom, Cinderace, Intellion, Corviknight, Obstagoon, and Dracapult
    A word of warning if you want to dive into my anime remix--the stories are not quite the games you remember, nor are they the anime you remember!
    Alola. As you can see now, I gave myself another picture of Sayaka Miki from Madoka magica I think I can't access Robert Ketchum because that requires me to be on my account but I can't access that on this. So I just went and made me a new one.
    Robert Ketchum
    Robert Ketchum
    Good news. I found my back to my account. The log in button worked this time and I entered my username and password.
    Hi there! When do you plan rewriting the Kanto Saga? I noted that you are doing Sinnoh, Johto, and Alola. What about the other Regions?
    This is mainly what I've done so far in the remix, but in the future will come more episodes I altered dramatically to fit in my imagined Pokeworld
    Also, do you have examples of episodes where there's still a plot even without Team Rocket?
    The remix of "Some Like it Hot" worked without Kamon (GSC rival) and Team Rocket, and "Not on MY Watch Ya Don't!" worked without Team Rocket (because I rewrote it to how you got the Poketch in the games) "Sick Daze worked very nicely without Team Rocket, as well.
    Alola. You're a Poke story teller and I find that to be neat how you tried to redo some of the anime stories. And oh look, removing team rocket from a majority of episodes. Seriously those guys appear too much. Even in my own Pokemon story Im gonna put a 4th wall gag about them appearing even if their appearance is pointless.
    My only suggestion if you're going the script route is to space out the lines (because it's hard to read a wall of text with no breaks) and add some description in the stage directions.

    I started out writing script myself, and I still have some examples lying around I could dig up to show you what I mean.
    Robert Ketchum
    Robert Ketchum
    Eh heh heh. How do you space out each thing of text? You mean like multiple comments for each part of it? Like say my trainer mentions route 1 and then have the next comment be about when he's in route 1?
    I'll show you an example in the morning over PM.
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