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  • actually, I've talked to her a lot of times in private. What I want is to talk to her in front of her groupies AND tell her about my feelings. hehe your advice is actually really good.
    *sighs* hehe... ok here it goes. There's this girl that I really like and she's a freshmen and I'm a sophomore. Now for some reason, I think that somebody made bad rumors about me and told the freshies, but I get to chat with her almost every night and she doesn't either know about the rumor or she's hiding something. Now, I want to talk to her in person but I'm afraid of what her groupies think about me... advice???
    me too! but my friend has it and he is an addict! And what verion of dota are you using man? We use 6.64! Razor's skills now are: Plasma field, Chain Link, Ultimate fervor, and Eye of the storm! MUCH better than before! well... merry X-mas and good night(here)! my dad wants me to sleep now! tomorrow again?
    YES!!! someone abroad that I know knows DOTA! You should really meet my friends! they even have a group called: Dhottah Voixxxzsx (Dota Boys). they are like the GODS!!! of dota!! they're even stronger than the other high schools in our province! anyway. Actually im not that good. BUT, i have mastered Razor. but im thinking of trying juggernaut. do you HoN?
    PROJECTS!!!! dang it! if another teacher gives one more of those I will literally go on a blood rage and hunt him down!!! *from DotA <you know what that is?
    YES!!! sawakas!! it REALLY has been a long time! lol. so... what you do with the moolah??? and what site?
    actually, i'm not even supposed to be awake right now! its 2:30 here and i watching happy tree friends... yeah i'll sleep soundly tonight (or day). I thought you said you didn't have a job? but cool job anyway! my mom's a food scientist, phD... so yeah, she's good. so what are you doing right now?
    the suvalance thing means that i cant use the computer without my dad seeing my assignment that i need the computer for. and our every-2-years field trip is on friday. cant wait
    dont say sorry man. i'm under survalance now. my dad looked in the History in Safari and found facebook, youtube, and bulbaforum... during the weekdays, and im not supposed to be doing that. my parents=the meaning of stict. not even supposed to watch TV or play the DS or read novels. they say I should STUDY!!! AAHHHH!!! your pic is really cool. I can see that you're good with computers. oh yeah, what's was your job?
    cool. i dont know anything about computers. i dont even have my own. but my dad's addicted to mac. im using his macbook right now. what you doin?
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