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  • I got your shiny Beldum and Treecko. Treecko comes with a nice moveset as well. Let me know when you can trade.
    could you clone my mew for me? same deal, i give you 1 i get 5 back and you can have one. It is the mew from my pokmeon ranch, it has a modest nature, and has a 31 iv in special attack.
    Ok for my hitmontop just make give it max attack, m not really sure about the other stats... just make sure they're not horrible
    actually, i can give it to you in maybe 15 minutes if thats ok. I got the first clone taken care of via GTS, but i would still like the same deal.
    hey could you clone something for me? you can keep 1. its a shiny trapinch lv. 1 RNGd by me. Id like 4+the original. also, i need it asap.
    No I really didn't go that much into it

    ok I mostly jus want good attack and good sp def
    I'm mostly focusing on the attack though
    No I really didn't go that much into it

    ok I mostly jus want good attack and good sp def
    I'm mostly focusing on the attack though
    As I said just look into it wan you have the time, or ask a pokesav expert, ether way youl find the awnser eventualy, and then I have plenty of rare pokemon that I'm pretty sure are legit to trade you for shiny pokemon with wrong types and attacks.
    Well I was tolld what I was looking for was possible, but look into it wan you have the time and tell me what you find, as far as I know actully changing a pokemons type isnt possible, but using Arceus's ability should work.
    Ya it's still weak agenst water, it didnt work, there must be something wrong becouse ability swaping should work, you can try some exparimenting and tell me if it works, check the type on the expariments to make sure it becomes dark type.
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