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    The Endless Glitch V3:Welcome to Glitch City, Pop:Missingno.

    Everyone remember this? No? Well then, I post starting instructions for a glitch, and you posters continue it. It is a pokemon glitch, but other games being inserted can be accepted. Feel free to make up new pokemon, items or areas, as that's what happens with glitches a lot. Lets get this show...
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    The Endless Glitch V2:Eeny Meeny Miney MISSINGNO!

    Lets recap: The Endless Glitch was a fun game that once ran here. Basically, the starter posted starting instrctions for a glitch, primarily a Pokemon, but other games can be used too, as long as it gets back to pokemon eventually, and the poster continues the glitch, and the next poster...
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    PMD-The New Mystery(Start Up)

    With the 21 recruits lined up, Drillmaster Rhyperior began his briefing. "Alright! Listen up! Your traning at this camp is nearly complete. In one week's time, your final exam will be taking place. We've whittled down the some 90 recruits into you 21, we've had you form teams according to your...
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    Downfall-The Aftermath

    The white coloured words slid into the upper right corner of the screen. Veranda Town. "Well, here I am, now to wait. I hope the others got the message, and I hope even more that the Hackers didn't get their hands on it. If they found out what we're planning, we might as well fork over our...
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    I'm looking for a Female Snorunt with any nature. I dont care if it's Iv Trained or not, but i'd prefer if it wasn't Hacked. I will Trade: Female Kabuto LVL20 or Male Lileep LVL21 Post on this thread if you want to make an offer.
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    PMD-The New Mystery (Sign Up)

    SYNOPSIS For as long as anyone can remember, the Realm of Erest(That's what this reigon is called) has been a Peaceful and Comfortable place, Dotted in Magnificent Natural Features and Strange Ruins. But now, a strange Evil rises in the Depths of Blackshroud Temple, an Aincent Force bent on the...
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    New Social Group - Team Galactic-Johto Branch

    The REAL Dialga has created a new social group called "Team Galactic-Johto Branch", with the following description: To join this group visit the social groups homepage where this new group will be listed.
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    Pokemon WWF Ad-For Teh Lulz

    This may be your Last Chance to see a Kangaskhan. In the past 10 Years, many of the Kangaskhan Capturred in the Safari Zone have been lucky enough to have Good, Respectable Trainers. But recently, many Poachers have broken into the Safari Zone and other Protected Wildlife Pastures and stolen the...
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    Next SSB Stage

    Okay, so we all know that Pokemon has a Stadium(2 actually) and Spear Pillar, but what would be the Next Pokemon Themed Stage? Edit:Add Johto to the City List.
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    Downfall-The Aftermath (Sign Up)

    STORYLINE The year is 2012. Pokemon's latest incarnation is in the form of a Multiplayer Computer Game. Nintendo built the game to be Un-Hackable. They failed. The hackers completely overtook the game. It went on and on. The hackers slaughtered normal players in their thousands. Both defeating...
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