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Anime bloopers

Mar 3, 2005
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This thread is for posting funny snippets involving the characters of the anime. I'll do mine as an example.

Director: Okay, episode [HASHTAG]#5062[/HASHTAG], ready!

Ash: Did he say 5062?

Misty: Well, if you count the 15 unreleased episodes, we're at 5077.

Director: And... action!

Ash: Ah, another beautiful day.

Misty: It's hot!

Random girl of the day: *approaches the group* Please! You must help me find my lost Seviper!

Brock: WTF, this again?

Ash: Uh...

Brock: That's it! I'm getting sick of this! I'm tired of every episode having generic characters that I have to hit on, and then I don't even get any! This is ridiculous! I'm quitting, I hear Yu-Gi-Oh! is hiring.

Misty: Yu-Gi-Oh! is hiring? How's their benefits package?

Director: Hey, you can't quit! You have a lifetime contract.

Brock: Then I'll sue you! Where's my lawyer?

Director: You don't have a lawyer.

Brock: Then I'll hire YOURS! >:O

Director: ... Hey, that's my mother. :(
"Scene 35,Take 1"


Ritchie:"This is my Butterfree,'Hally."

Director:"Cut! Actually,Butterfree's name is 'Happy'".

Ritchie:"Well then who the f*** gave me the wrong script?! How the f*** am I supposed to say my lines if I got the wrong f***ing script!?"

Director:"Calm Down.Everybody here has the same script....."

Ritchie:"F*** That! Who was it,huh?! Who f***ed up?! Was at you,you c***sucking piece of s***!? Or was it you,you stupid son of a b****!! I swear,I'm working with f***ing amatuers!"

"I'll be in my trailer..."

This is from another forum

jigglyskitt said:
~Scene where Latias gives Ash her painting in Pokémon Heroes~

*Latias gives Ash the painting*

Ash: Uh.. thanks!

*Latias runs off*

Director CUT! You're supposed to kiss him!

Latias: Kiss him?

Brock: Why does ASH get to get kissed? Lucky little jerk!

Director: Shut up Brock. Yes, Latias, you have to kiss him.

Latias: Why?

Director: For a shipping hint, DUH.

Latias: In front of all these people?

Director: JUST KISS HIM!

Latias: NO!

Director: But, Latias!

Latias: I'll be in my trailor!

Ash: Gee, am I really THAT horrible?

Misty: Why do you think I've never had to kiss you before. ¬¬

Brock: Why don't I ever get kissed?!?!

*Toto walks in*

Toto: If Latias won't, I'd be gald to play the part. :D


Directors: Why did I ever accept this job?
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During the first movie -

Mewtwo: Fool, your Pokemon attacks cannot weaken me! My powers are too great! No trainer can conquer me.

Random guy: *walks up behind Mewtwo and throws a Master Ball*

Mewtwo: WTF *caught*

Random guy: Hey guys what's going on in this topiX?

Ash: Hey, he caught Mewtwo!


Brock: I expected LUEshi.

Mewtwo: *breaks out* Aha! >:O

Ash: Hey, you can't break out of a Master Ball!

Mewtwo: I just did >:D

Random guy: Oh no, my Master Ball has flopped :(

Mewtwo: I think your mother flopped. OOOOOOOHHHH. *kills Random guy*

Ash: Hey, this is a children's show! You can't kill people!

Mewtwo: Yes I can. *kills Ash too*


Mewtwo: *kills Misty*

Brock: ZOMG you killed Misty!

Misty: No he didn't.

Brock: WTF!

Misty: I'm still alive.

Brock: what

Misty: what

Brock: what

Misty: what

Brock: what

Misty: what

Mewtwo: what









Ash: UUUUUUUUUU-wait, I'm dead.


Mewtwo: So, what's going on in this topiX?

Mew: Watchin' the game, havin' a Bud.

Mewtwo: True, true.
MistyIRC said:
During the first movie -

Mewtwo: Fool, your Pokemon attacks cannot weaken me! My powers are too great! No trainer can conquer me.

Random guy: *walks up behind Mewtwo and throws a Master Ball*

Mewtwo: WTF *caught*

Random guy: Hey guys what's going on in this topiX?

Ash: Hey, he caught Mewtwo!


Brock: I expected LUEshi.

Mewtwo: *breaks out* Aha! >:O

Ash: Hey, you can't break out of a Master Ball!

Mewtwo: I just did >:D

Random guy: Oh no, my Master Ball has flopped :(

Mewtwo: I think your mother flopped. OOOOOOOHHHH. *kills Random guy*

Ash: Hey, this is a children's show! You can't kill people!

Mewtwo: Yes I can. *kills Ash too*


Mewtwo: *kills Misty*

Brock: ZOMG you killed Misty!

Misty: No he didn't.

Brock: WTF!

Misty: I'm still alive.

Brock: what

Misty: what

Brock: what

Misty: what

Brock: what

Misty: what

Mewtwo: what









Ash: UUUUUUUUUU-wait, I'm dead.


Mewtwo: So, what's going on in this topiX?

Mew: Watchin' the game, havin' a Bud.

Mewtwo: True, true.


Are you a writer for Aqua Teen Hunger Force or Sealab 2021 or something. Oo;
The Legend of Thunder

Director: Ok, "Legend of Thunder", take 2964, and Action!

Vincent: Ladies, Gentlemen, it's the one and only, FabuVinny!
Jimmy/Marina: Oh. Hey there, Vincent.

Vincent: You know, I'm sure I was called Jackson the last time I did this!
Director: For the last time, your name is Vincent! Now get out there and start acting professional! Ok, take 2965, and Action!

Vincent: Meganium! It's time to send these guys packing! Fire the Solarbeam...

Director: ...Now.
Vincent: No, it's just that...would Vincent realy use a Solarbeam? I mean, he has had that Pokémon since his journey began, and he must have beaten Jasmine's Steelix to get into the Silver Conference, so maybe instead of Meganium's Solarbeam, he could use his Quagsire. Because Steelix is weak against water and ground attacks, and so it wuld really make much more sense, seeing as-
Director: -Who cares about type differences? We have to make this an hour long, so just follow the script!
Vincent: The script that contradicts the script for the other episode Jackson was in?
Director: Just do it. Ok, take 2966, Action:

Vincent: Meganium! It's time to send these guys packing! Fire the Solarbeam! Now!...Huh! It didn't work?
Hun: Yours is a Grass type Pokémon. It has no chance against a steel type.
Vincent: But that's what I've been saying.
Director: Shh
Hun: Show it what I'm talking about Steelix! Crunch!
Vincent: Yikes! Let's go!

Director: Woah! Cut! Cut! You're only supposed to run down to Vincent and Marina! Now get back here!
Vincent: I can't! Meganium won't stop!
Director: *sigh*Take five, everyone.
Hun: Well, while we're waiting, I do have a complaint too.
Director: Really.
Hun: I just don't see why I have to be a Woman. I mean, I don't even look like a Crossdresser! If you want a woman, then why not just get a woman to do it? I mean, you haven't even given me breasts!
Director: But the kids won't realise that will they?
Hun: Then what's the point?
Director: ...Ok! While we're waiting, let's go to Eugene's next bit. Ok, take 2967, and...where's Eugene gone?
Eugene: I'm not coming out of my trailer until you give me back my real name and voice!
Director: But you like your new name and voice.
Eugene: Ventriloquism won't work when there is a trailer wall in between us!
Director: Just come on out!
Eugene: No. It's the principle of the thing! Now, if you excuse me, Kodou and I have some lovemaking, err, legendary discussions to commence.

Director: Right! Raikou in agony! And Action!
Raikou: If I may butt in for a moment...
Director: No, you may not! Now Action!

Raikou: Argh. Argh. Ow.
Ash: Pikachu! Thunderbolt!

Director: Cut! Cut! Cut! For the last time, Ash! We don't need you for this one!
Ash: But Pikachu can finish them without waiting for three whole parts!
Director: But Steelix is part-ground!
Ash: Does that make a difference?
Director: Just get out! All of you! Out!

Director: *sigh* What happened to all our Amnesia-enducing Slowbros?
Animal trainer: They escaped into the writers' trailer just before this was written, remember?
Director: [Head blows up]
Director: Okay Scene 7 and action.

James: *In a female voice* Isn't my rack just so sexy. *Squeezes breasts when one pops.

Director: *laughs* We got a warcrobe malfunction.

*Crew errupts in laughter*
Same here. My blooper was taken straight from a scene in "The Legend of Thunder: Part Two"
these are but i have to get an award to MistyIRC her is the funniest i'v seen i mean the 1st one she did was my favortle. here mys let me try

Director:sence 1 ash may and max meeting tracey again and action.

Ash:it feels good to be home
Max:eek:h s(beep) i forgot my lines
Director:watch it no cussing this is a famliy show
Max:well i forgot my lines gezz can't i get a break here
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Jessie: to stop all of our chafing and itching!

James: it might finally stop all of Jessie's ... complaining? THIS DOESN'T RHYME!

Director: well James. This is a show targeted for young wanna be Pokemon trainers. So we can't really---

James: Oh wait, I'm sorry. Am I -- Am I wrong here? You know, it's not MY fault in every single motto before this we have rhymed and now all of a sudden we have to make a "dodgey" line simply because we're trying to keep those older fans.

Director: we can't cuss James.

James: Oh really? But -- but we can talk about adult things like love and relationships. I mean HELLO? Do you realize how bizzare this show really is? The main character has no father and he just doesn't give a crap. Jessie's mom died and while we don't talk about that, she's the most emotionally scarred person b/c of that problem but yet we all find her hilarious because her pain is our pleasure. Meowth's VA name changes more than the seasons. My CHILDHOOD was run by a dominatrix. Cassidy, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny's voice mysteriously ran off to L.A. apparently. Butch/Botch/Buzz/Bill/Bob's voice is worse than nails on a CHALKBOARD. Brock has no eyes, not to mention he's a hornball. Max's voice is LOWER than Ash's. Giovanni is the hottest character yet he's old enough to father practically everyone on the show. Misty STILL has NO BOOBS. And Oak and Mrs. Ketchum OBVIOUSLY HAVE A THING. SO DON'T TELL ME THIS IS A GOD D**MED KIDS SHOW!

Director: Mkay I think we need a break.


Jessie: My mom.... died? But b-but how do you know that?

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Ash: It's team rocket!

Max: ...

May: Uhh.. Max?

Max: S***! I forgot my lines!

Director: CUT! No cussing! This is family rated. Besides, aren't you a little young to be cussing.

Max: Everyone does it, so why not?

Ash: Pikachu, get me some pizza.

Pikachu: Pika.


Max: See.

Director: *Hits head on desk*
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These bloopers are funny!! XD

And wow, I just now realized how old this thread is (it's about 2 years old). O_O

I guess it was bumped, apparently.
Please note: The thread is from 18 years ago.
Please take the age of this thread into consideration in writing your reply. Depending on what exactly you wanted to say, you may want to consider if it would be better to post a new thread instead.
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