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CommandShipper - Giovanni & Domino or ExecShipper - Bisashu & Domino?

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Registered User
Dec 27, 2005
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Hhhmmm... CommandShipping is my preffered choice, but what do you all think?

Giovanni and Bisashu (Vicious) are the type to clash. So having them both in love with Domi makes for an interesting idea.

*fanish giggles*

Wow, someone else who likes these? What are the odds?

Anyway, I see both going on at the same time. Chances are that neither Bishasu nor Domino would be at the base very often, though.
Ooooo that could mean Domi and Bish could be having an affair ^^
Please don't double post.

And thanks! Well, it wouldn't really be an affair, given that I don't think either of them would be much for commitment, especially in their lines of work...
ExecShipper, if I had to choose, because personally, I just find CommandShipping plain wrong. Domino is my favorite character, and the thought of her in a relationship with a man at least three times her age is just icky to me. Although really, I pair her with Bashou. Or Mondo.
I like Commandshipping. I got around the age difference in my fics by explaining she has a genetic disorder that makes her look younger than her real age. Besides, who'd Gio rather have, an elite who wants to screw him (in a I'm-going-to-take-over kinda way), or an elite who wants to screw him in a more pleasant way?

I rather dislike Vicious and can't imagine anyone being in love with him. I imagine Gio's an arrogant jerk too but he looks like the type who can be romantic.
That's rather interesting...

Really, the only other real problem I have with Commandshipping is that I understand Gio's a bit on the pervy side (probably), but Domino's really not the hottest girl available... I mean, come on, give a guy the choice between cute 'lil Domino and sexy, busty Cassidy and I can promise you he'd take sexy nine out of ten times.

Unless he's got some kind of Loli thing going on.... (Domino is rather moe...)
Agreed, and Domino doesn't appear to be involved in a team like Cass...

However, she does talk to Gio like she isn't afraid of getting fired/killed, and she meets with him regularly instead of just watching his video feeds, and she's capable of calling in the Combat Unit when I don't recall Cass ever wielding that kind of power within the organization.
I don't like either, really, but if I had to pick one, I'd say that commandshipping makes more canonical sense.
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