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Dragons Exalted set and theme deck lists revealed: Set releases August 15

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Dreams of electric Bulbasaur
Nov 13, 2005
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Dragons Exalted set and theme deck lists revealed: Set releases August 15

Prereleases for Dragons Exalted began the weekend of July 28/29, and the full set list and theme decks are now known. The set contains six EX's, 6 Full Arts, and 4 Secret Rares, and the two theme decks, DragonSnarl and DragonSpeed, feature Hydreigon and Garchomp. The set will be in stores August 15.

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The difference could be where the gun/arm is pointing.
But on the Call of Legends print, it's arm is pointing in front. I just don't get why after so long, they want to censor this...

Off-Topic: Here's what the card would look like uncensored:
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