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Drought Vulpix


New Member
Sep 21, 2011
Reaction score
So i have a couple of these beasts to trade and i would like something interesting thats not easily gotten in-game :D
I have a few Snarl/Dark Pulse/Extrasensory Zorua, if I could get a female.
I have a few to offer you for a female vulpix:
Boldore (I know, but it becomes gigalith when you trade)
Hidden Ability Musharna
Please, I really want one!
I have a few to offer you for a female vulpix:
Boldore (I know, but it becomes gigalith when you trade)
Hidden Ability Musharna
Please, I really want one!

Boldore is good. Il try and pm you when we are both online to exchange codes but in case i forget do the same :)
i have a charmander with egg move outrage?

i already have one of those but its fine i can trade for it. Same drill pm when online to trade. il take your code from your signature my code is 2494-6494-5613 :)
sure. il try and pm you when we are both online and you can do the same.
Ok, but if that doesn't work, then I'll EXPLODE INTO A MILLION PIEASES!!!
No, not really but then vm or pm me the times yer on.

Flying on a Latios!!!
hmm, well, if you don't mind if it takes a few days, I can get pretty much any non-legend pokemon flawless, but like I said, you may need to wait a few days.
hmm, well, if you don't mind if it takes a few days, I can get pretty much any non-legend pokemon flawless, but like I said, you may need to wait a few days.

I dont mind waiting. Could it be possible for you to get me a good technician scizor or scyther with metal coat? I'd really appreciate it.
Yeah, I can do that. I'll be gone tomorrow and most of Saturday, so I'll start working on it after that. Any specific gender?
Yeah, I can do that. I'll be gone tomorrow and most of Saturday, so I'll start working on it after that. Any specific gender?

No specific gender. I just want to start training it for competitive straight away :) All of the vulpix i now have are timid is that okay?
Yeah, can I get a female?

Edit: I just thought of something. Are you going to want Superpower on it? That's a Gen IV only move, and since I only RNG in Gen V, it wouldn't have perfect IVs with Superpower. I could still do it, and probably get a perfect speed IV, but not all of the IVs will be perfect.
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Yeah, can I get a female?

Edit: I just thought of something. Are you going to want Superpower on it? That's a Gen IV only move, and since I only RNG in Gen V, it wouldn't have perfect IVs with Superpower. I could still do it, and probably get a perfect speed IV, but not all of the IVs will be perfect.

Yeah superpower would be great if possible, I dont mind the full IVs thing. You'll definitely get the female vulpix.
Please note: The thread is from 13 years ago.
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