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DW Delightfuls (Including Vulpix and Poliwag)

Big Matty Kane

New Member
Mar 10, 2011
Reaction score
I'm offering some DW Pokemon of interest. I'm looking for several different things: Battle Items, Other DW Females, Legendaries, Shinies, Ev'd Pokemon. Maybe even some good egg moves/natures on certain Pokemon. Here's the DW Pokemon of Interest:
Update: Got DW Krabby (Sheer Force) Today! (May 17th, 2011). So add that to the list.

Poliwag (Swift Swim/Drizzle)
Vulpix (Drought)
Magikarp (Rattled/Moxie)
Krabby (Sheer Force)
Barbroach (Hydration)
Swablu (Cloud Nine)
Nidoran M/F (Hustle/Sheer Force)
Murkrow (Prankster/Moxie)
Hoppip (Infiltrator)
Farfetch'd (Defiant)
Exeggcute (Harvest)
Stantler (Sap Sipper)
Lickitung (Cloud Nine)

I have others, I'm just listing those that might be attractive. Feel feel to offer whatever. I'm not real picky about what I want.
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I would really love a female DW Vulpix, if you have one available, and I'm loosely interested in DW Poliwag too. I have some male Zorua with Dark Pulse and Extrasensory (both egg moves, only available together through Smeargle breeding) and can breed off some Eevees with Covet and Wish (chain bred combo.)

For DW females, I have a Kangaskhan (Inner Focus) and a Taillow (Scrappy) either of which I could breed off a spare DW female.

I've also got a near-flawless Modest Deino (31/19/30/31/31/30) if you're interested in battle ready pokemon. She's currently UT.

If none of that interests you, I'm sure I can dig up more :p
I could give you a karrablast with the egg move pursuit with an adamant nature and good iv's for a poliwag?
@Myracuulous Does the Deino have any bred moves? Dark Pulse especially (but Fire fang as well would also be cool, not necessarily required). If it does, I'll take that. Otherwise, Chain breeding a Male Eevee will work. PM me whichever you prefer for the Drought Vulpix.

@Jimii. Not really interested in that line, but if you got it Megahorn (and male) with that nature, we could talk. Otherwise, I'd prefer something else.

@Emo-lga Reshiram is fine for a Drought Vulpix. PM me from this point to trade.
I'll trade for a dw female vulpix. I have some battle items, let me know if you're interested. I can also trade a few legendaries if you want. what are you looking for?
Legendaries-Tornadus, Thundurus are great. A decently natured Terrakion will also work. Feel free to make offers of other stuff.

Battle Items- Life Orb, Leftovers, Balloon, Bright Powder, Choice Band, Choice Scarf, Muscle Band, Focus Sash.

Also,everyone else take note, I got Magikarp today, so feel free to offer for that beastly Moxie Gyarados you could have.
how does a terrakion with calm with brightpowder for a female dw vulpix? and i might take a female dw magikarp
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That works Jerry. Let me know when you're available. I'll be on throughout the night from now until around Midnight Eastern.
How about a 4/0/0/252/0/252 ev'd relaxed natured heatran for a female DW poliwag
How about a 4/0/0/252/0/252 ev'd relaxed natured heatran for a female DW poliwag

That'll work man. Send me a pm when ready. If you don't become available tonight, I'll be available after 5:30 EST tomorrow evening (GMT-5).
Hey if I throw in a life orb leftovers or a pp max can I get a rattled magicarp also?
Hey if I throw in a life orb leftovers or a pp max can I get a rattled magicarp also?

Yeah that'll work. I'll take the Leftovers. I'll be available tonight quickly from 6-6:30 Eastern. And then on again from around 8-10 PM. PM me your FC and what time youre available.
Hey there,
Any battle items (especially those you can purchase at the Battle Subway) you'd like are yours, if you could produce for me a female Drought Vulpix, or lend me one so I can breed one. Please let me know!

Thank you,
Please note: The thread is from 14 years ago.
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