Eight children have been entrusted with Pokémon. They have been trusted to keep Pokémon a secret. One day, the Magical Creature Investigation Unit spies one of the children with Pokémon. The rest follow the same fate and all of the eight are imprisoned in the Magical Creature Investigation Unit. After multiple DNA tests, the MCIU find out something shocking and plan an experiment, which they put into action.
Chapter One - The Beginning
Chapter Two - The Laboratory
Chapter Three - The Test
Chapter Four - The Plan
Note: Once I have a fanbase of at least three here, I will post the story on PE2K. No, this does not mean that the story will not be updated any more but that more people will have a chance to view the story.
Also, the PoV will switch quite often, so if you have any critique/tips on PoV changing, I'd be happy to hear them.
EDIT: I know I am posting quite a bit in one go, but I already had the parts written out on another forum. Kayi-chan has said to me that I am allowed to do this.
Chapter One - The Beginning
Chapter Two - The Laboratory
Chapter Three - The Test
Chapter Four - The Plan
Note: Once I have a fanbase of at least three here, I will post the story on PE2K. No, this does not mean that the story will not be updated any more but that more people will have a chance to view the story.
Also, the PoV will switch quite often, so if you have any critique/tips on PoV changing, I'd be happy to hear them.
EDIT: I know I am posting quite a bit in one go, but I already had the parts written out on another forum. Kayi-chan has said to me that I am allowed to do this.
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