Pocket Monsters: Aim to be a Pokémon Master will follow Ash on a new journey with his old friends, Misty (voiced by Mayumi Iizuka) and Brock (voiced by Yūji Ueda). This series is bound to be an exciting and emotional adventure for fans, with Ash reuniting with past companions and Pokémon from the various regions he has travelled in. Cilan (voiced by Mamoru Miyano), his companion from the Best Wishes arc, will return in episode 3.
The opening theme for the series in Japan will be "Aim to be a Pokémon Master -with my friends-", a remake of the original 1997 theme set against a backdrop of highlights from Ash and Pikachu's 25 years of journeying. A remix of the original English language Pokémon Theme is expected to be used for the international release, and promotional videos for the arc on Pokémon's official English language social media accounts have already featured the original song.
Friday, January 13th: The Wind of Beginnings! Unlimited Paths!! - 「はじまりのかぜ!むげんのみち!!」
Ash and Pikachu continue their journey, following the wind and their whims. They meet wild Pokémon along the way... Team Rocket schemes to steal Pikachu... A perfectly normal journey for Ash and Pikachu. Until they run into the Legendary Pokémon Latias in a forest, injured!風の吹くまま、気の向くまま、冒険を続けるサトシとピカチュウ。道行く先で出会う野生のポケモンとの触れ合い―。ピカチュウを奪おうと画策するロケット団―。変わらぬ冒険の日々を過ごすサトシとピカチュウだったが、とある森の中、傷ついた伝説のポケモン・ラティアスと遭遇することになる…!
Friday, January 20th: Ash vs Misty! Seaside One-on-One!! - 「サトシVSカスミ!うみべのいっきうち!!」
Ash and Pikachu continue their journey and find themselves by the sea. Ash spots a Clauncher on the beach and goes to capture it. Only to be interrupted by a familiar voice: his old companion Misty! They both insist that they'll be the one to catch Clauncher and won't back down. How will they resolve things? How about with a fishing match!旅を続けるサトシとピカチュウは海にやってきていた。海辺で野生のウデッポウに出会い、ゲットしようとするサトシ。そこに待ったをかけたのは、かつての旅の仲間・カスミだった! 「ウデッポウをゲットするのは自分だ!」と互いに譲らないサトシとカスミは、釣りで決着をつけようとするが…!?
Friday, January 27th: Brock, Cilan, and the Forest Witch! - 「タケシとデントともりのまじょ!」
Ash and Pikachu reunite with their old companions Brock and Cilan. But Brock has recently suffered another heartbreak and is deeply despondent. A wild Hatterene picks this exact moment to steal away with Brock! What could its motive be!? And will Ash, Misty, and Cilan be able to rescue Brock!?サトシとピカチュウはかつての旅の仲間である、タケシ、デントと再会する。しかし、タケシは失恋したばかりでひどく落ち込んでいるようで…。すると突然野生のブリムオンが、タケシを連れ去ってしまう…! その理由は!? サトシ・カスミ・デントはタケシを取り戻すことができるのか!?
Media Gallery
Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 |
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サトシとピカチュウ、ふたりの物語は最終章へ――これは、見果てぬ夢「ポケモンマスター」へと続く旅。1 月 13 日(金)より、いよいよ放送開始!
株式会社小学館集英社プロダクション(ShoPro)のプレスリリース(2023年1月6日 19時30分)サトシとピカチュウ、ふたりの物語は最終章へ――これは、見果てぬ夢[ポケモンマスター]へと続く旅。1 月 13 日(金)より、いよいよ放送開始!prtimes.jp