In the English-speaking world of the TCG, sites like PriceCharting and TCGPlayer allow purchasers to compare prices and find the average selling price of cards they might be looking for. Up until now however, Japanese fans have had much fewer options for their own local market. It's seems that's about to change however, with SEO company KABUKI Inc. having recently opened pokécazilla (ポケカジラ), a brand new website for comparing the prices of Japanese Pokémon cards. According to a press release from KABUKI Inc., the goal of the site is to prevent scalping, and allow purchasers to find cards at reasonable prices. In addition to enabling purchasers to easily compare prices between different online marketplaces, pokécazilla also allows for making purchases directly through the pokécazilla website itself.
KABUKI Inc. seemingly doesn't plan on stopping at just the main site either. The group have already promised to continue expanding their horizons, with plans for building a wiki and YouTube channel, as well as supporting tournaments and other community events.
- Sources
ポケモンカードのシングル価格と買取価格の比較サイト pokecazilla - ポケカジラ
pokecazilla(ポケカジラ)なら、ポケモンカードの最新価格をひと目で確認できます。ポケカのシングル価格と買取価格をショップごとに比較可能です。pokecazilla.comポケモンカードの価格比較サイト pokecazilla(ポケカジラ)がオープン
株式会社カブキのプレスリリース(2023年10月24日 09時50分)ポケモンカードの価格比較サイト pokecazilla(ポケカジラ)がオープン