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Pokemon Reference (Kinda)


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2004
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I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh GX and Jaden was holding riceballs and was talking and said something like "whatever these are I'm holding" and I immediately thought of Pokemon.
Ooooor, 4Kids simply cannot grasp the concept of Rice Balls full stop. :p.

Lol, it'd be nice if it was a reference to Pokemon's vicious dubbing over the subject.
Or maybe it is a reference to the viewpoint of many fans that it is vicious dubbing over the subject... It's possible.

I wonder if they see many fan sites...
NOA keep track of Fansites that come up top in standard google searches.

How much persual they do is questionable - but we do know for a fact that some of the Voice Actors on Pokemon, and therefore employed by 4Kids, do check the Fansites.

Maddie Blaustein for example - who pointed it out in the 4th Movie 'Commentary'.

I'd imagine that Serebii, BMG and probably PokeCommunity are all known to the Pokemon Dub Producers.
Doctor Oak said:
4Kids simply cannot grasp the concept of Rice Balls.
If that's true at least they admit it with what Jaden said. :p
Doctor Oak said:
NOA keep track of Fansites that come up top in standard google searches.

How much persual they do is questionable - but we do know for a fact that some of the Voice Actors on Pokemon, and therefore employed by 4Kids, do check the Fansites.

Maddie Blaustein for example - who pointed it out in the 4th Movie 'Commentary'.

I'd imagine that Serebii, BMG and probably PokeCommunity are all known to the Pokemon Dub Producers.

Is that so? So, they could be reading this right now...

...they could be hiding among us...


*starts scribbling down illogical and half-baked plans to flush out any VAs that might be reading Bulbagarden so that they may be properly praised and possibly interviewed on the Bulbacast*
Well, I know at least one 4Kids VA who probably wouldn't mind appearing on Bulbacast.

And that's Mike Pollock.

I just happen to have his screen name on AIM.
Well, I don't think they actually mentioned anything about fansites in particular, Archaic....

But, on the 4th movie audio commentary, I remember Maddie Blaustein said that he goes on the internet a lot, seaching for things like soundbytes (or something), and he said that he's heard Meowth's voice in different languages, like German and Italian.

Although, I don't remember him saying anything about fansites.

I could be wrong though, cause I might not have heard it or something.
^ She also said that she saw stuff on the internet about how people don't like Bill the lighthouse keeper (she did the voice of him in season one). Which means that she reads message boards and/or fansites.
If that wasn't in one of their own shows I would think it was blatantly making fun of their rediculous rice ball cover-ups.
YumeHeart said:
^ She also said that she saw stuff on the internet about how people don't like Bill the lighthouse keeper (she did the voice of him in season one). Which means that she reads message boards and/or fansites.
Oh yeah!

I forgot about that, YumeHeart.

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