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Pokémon Scramble U coming to Wii U: New game announced in CoroCoro

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Dreams of electric Bulbasaur
Nov 13, 2005
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Pokémon Scramble U coming to Wii U: New game announced in CoroCoro

The latest installment in the Pokémon Scramble series, known as Pokémon Rumble in the West, is to be released on the Wii U.

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The title of this game sounds like an "in Soviet Russia" joke (just an observation-I think it's fine). I would have expected a Ranger game, but I suppose that'll come later.
This will give Wii U owners a community to post messages related to Pokémon on MiiVerse to people who really want to see them. I currently post messages about Pokémon in the Nintendo Land MiiVerse community even though there isn't a Pokémon related attraction in Nintendo Land.
Rumble Blast was fun on 3ds. Should be good wii game if right price.
Sorry Nintendo, but this won't be enough to get me to buy a Wii U.
I always enjoy reading announcements regarding Pokemon games. I don't think this game will be enough to encourage me to buy a Wii U, unfortunately.
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