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Pokémon Special: Diamond and Pearl

Zhen Lin

May 2, 2003
Reaction score

First of all, the characters. Kōki is Diamond. Jun is Pearl. Hikari... will she still be Hikari, or will she be named after the as-yet-unconfirmed third game? Hmm.

Diamond & Pearl, apparently, can be said to be more of a comedic duo than Pokémon trainers. They collide with Nanakamado in a crowd, and this incident will change their fate.

A letter, detailing what appears to be an escort. The goal: Mt. Tengan. The starting point: Kotobuki Mansion. Departure: 5PM, September 28. Compensation: ¥10,000,000. (That's a whole order of magnitude more money than the player character can have! ...)
Hey! The date happens to be the release of DP.

So, they are guiding Hikari?

And cool, MUNCHLAX!
Meh, I was hoping that Pearl would be the girl's name, and they'd come up with some other name for the rival character, but that would break this series' naming scheme of giving the main version names to the protagonist and rival. Oh well...

I also noticed that the girl has a Pochama -- just like her anime counterpart -- so my guess is that Diamond and Pearl will get Naetle and Hikozaru, respectively.
Meh, I was hoping that Pearl would be the girl's name, and they'd come up with some other name for the rival character, but that would break this series' naming scheme of giving the main version names to the protagonist and rival. Oh well...

Ruby and Sapphire. In the games at least, the Professor's child is a secondary rival when compared to Wally.

Anyways, Munchlax and Perap. ^^ It's like Laurel and Hardy as Pokemon trainers.

I also noticed that the girl has a Pochama -- just like her anime counterpart -- so my guess is that Diamond and Pearl will get Naetle and Hikozaru, respectively.

Well, that is who they're shown with in the last panel (you can barely see them because they're clinging to Diamond and Pearl's heads. XD).
Yay, Munchlax and Perap :D.

I still have to get caught up on the Pokemon Special translations for... well, everything past the R/G saga but I definitely look forward to the D/P one - it looks like it could be very entertaining. *Makes a note to buy more from Grimsg later*.
I wonder how Pearl's personality will turn out? Jun in the games is entirely too much like Emerald.
How exactly is the In-game rival? Japanese text doesn't reveal much (although I do know he yells "Get the hell out of the way" alot (or so I've heard))
Impatient, in a rush all the time. Bumps into the player a lot, literally.
Yeah, I could tell when GINOURMOUS Japanese characters popped up.
LOLZ I love those dorks already. <3 Hikari (or whatever her name will be) looks like she means business, tho. Having a goofball comedic duo just screams "shipping" to me, but until Diamond and Pearl become established PokeSpecial names like Yellow and Ruby and Sapphire, I'll lay off on the shipping name. Because really...Pearl? People are gonna think Kouki x Hikari if I put that up. Heh, at least Ruby's not alone in the "Boy Named Sue" category anymore.

EDIT: And something funky seems to be up with the PokeSpecial site's main page...I can't click on anything. o_O;
Diamond and Pearl are confirmed names. Besides, PearlShipping is already established.
I know they're confirmed, but how many people in the English-speaking fandom are going to recognize them as the PokeSpecial chars after all this preconception about the boy being named Diamond and the girl being named Pearl? Besides, Pearlshipping is only for the anime since Ash is in it, and just as the May in Advanceshipping is generally not thought of as the May in Hoennshipping, so the Hikari in the game will probably not be widely regarded as the same Hikari in the anime.

And seriously...what is up with the Netkun page? A bunch of links seem to be missing.
Diamond/Pearl is already called FortuneShipping, anyway. I coined it back when the game names were first announced. 8D;;
Theyre called Fortuneshipping? o_O

PS: I thought there names were Perappu and Munchlax, or was I wrong?
For those of you who thought Hikari was well-to-do, well, it seems the authors here have taken the idea and ran with it. The "Hikari" (name not revealed) of Pokémon Special is a 5th generation descendant of a famous 200-year-old Sinnoh family, Berlitz. They are not only rich, but have a long tradition of scholarship. She even wears a pearl ring on her right hand, and a diamond ring on her left.

As for Pearl and Diamond (for some reason the name goes in reverse order), well, it seems there has been a bit of a mixup.

You see, the Berlitz family has a tradition of going to the peak of Mt. Tengan to obtain the material to make an ornament bearing the family crest... on their own. However, the butler, Sebastian, convinced Hikari's father to hire two bodyguards to accompany her. One of them will be wearing a red scarf, and the other, a green scarf. Also, Nanamakado takes the opportunity to do some research, and has three Pokédexes, three Pokétches and the starter Pokémon delivered to "Hikari" - one set for her, and one set each of her bodyguards.

Now, as luck would have it, Diamond and Pearl are wearing a red scarf and green scarf respectively. On top of that, when they collided with Nanamakado, they picked up the envelope containing rendezvous details for the bodyguards instead of the envelope containing their prize, a one-week free pass on the bicycle course at Masago Park.

As a result, Pearl and Diamond meet "Hikari". The duo believe that they are on some kind of reality TV show. "Hikari" believes that the duo are her bodyguards, and that the fact that they are more or less the same age as her is a "camouflage plan". She has her doubts though - not unreasonable considering the fact that the duo took 30 minutes to take care of the Mukkuru swarm. Meanwhile the real bodyguards wait patiently in Masago Park...

A defining moment for "Hikari": Pearl grabs her shoulder and tries to get her name. "Hikari" smacks his hand away and says: 「下じもの者に気安く名のってはならないとじいからいわれています。」 "Sebastian [who she refers to as じい] says that I must not tell my name to the people of the lower classes."

I have to say, Pochama suits her perfectly. Also, the characterisation of Pearl is more or less the same as Jun - impatient, in a rush. Naturally, Pearl is the tsukkomi, and Diamond is the boke.
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"Sebastian [who she refers to as じい] says that I must not tell my name to the people of the lower classes."

Oh boy. I see where this is going:
* The authors don't want to have to create another fourth "orignal" character like Emerald or Yellow, which they would be pressured to do if these characters were named Diamond, Pearl, and Jun.
* But they don't yet have/aren't yet allowed to name the third DS game.
* So buckle in for months and months of awkwardly refering to "Opal" or whatever as "That girl" or "Rich Girl". -_-;;
My thoughts exactly.

Also some backstory on Pearl & Diamond: back in nursery school, they were inspired by the performance of another comedy duo, and made a vow to become like that.

I wonder how long before they come to the truth... should be a very... comedic revelation.
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Another interesting detail: there is actually no age requirement on the tradition. In fact Nanakamado wonders if it's too early for her to go. Her father says that she suddenly decided to go one day. She herself is somewhat happy to be out of the house... hmm.
Aw man, I really want to get into the DP manga, it looks interesting, makes me wish we got it here in the states.

So, Hikari won't have a name for two-or so years? Hil-larious.
Please note: The thread is from 16 years ago.
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